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时间:2022-07-18 17:00:03 来源:网友投稿





 学生 2022 本科留学入学的申请书

  学生 2022 本科留学入学的申请书

  Dear _,

  The foundations to a person"s mind are based on the principals both intstilled into and gathered from experiences as a child. As children grow older, they soon start interpreting this information to decide for themselves which of their actions are right and wrong. What draws me to study Psychology is this mental processing, and how it affects a person"s current and future disposition. I am particularly interested in child psychology, because it is at this stage when a person"s personal identity begins to build up, as children are easily influenced by their environment and what they learn from experiences, they carry their entire lives.

  Studying human psychology was always a great passion for me, and certain many factors have developed my love for the subject. At the age of 11, I often took on the responsibility of watching over my young nephews, one of whom has autism. This allowed me to observe their behaviour, and notice the irregularity of autism. It wasn"t long before I found myself mentally noting down every action of the autistic child and

 2 figuring out a way to interact with him using the information I had gathered. My yearning to study the mental processing of children further grew when I volunteered to teach a class of infants. There was a language barrier between the children and I, and I found it facinating how their young minds were still able to convey their thoughts through actions, and thereby breaking through that barrier. The student thesis "Human Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Behaviour" by Martin Daly and Margo I. Wilson of McMasters Univeristy has also captured my interest, and I aspire to be able to accomplish something comparable in terms of Child Psychology.

  I am currently studying Mathematics, Biology, and English language for my A levels. Calculus is of particular interest to me because of how several methods can produce the same result. Relating this to Psychology, I find that there are several actions that bring about a single reaction in an invidual. Studying Biology has honed my ability to experiment and assess, and to notice the symptoms of many disorders. The subject has enlightened me on how the physical body works, and I am now curious to understand how the body"s psyche works. English language is developing my verbal and written language skills, which I know are greatly essential for my chosen course, and whatever path it leads me to.

  My spare time is filled with light reading into subjects that interest

 3 me, and I have developed some knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. Although certain circumstances don"t allow me to go out very often, I am quite athletic, taking part in outdoor sports that range from basketball to skateboarding. I am also fond of travelling for I am greatly interested in different cultures and tradtions, and what significant roles they play on an individual"s psyche.

  As a reliable and hard-working individual, I believe I can make a worthy contribution, and perhaps more so, during my years at the university. I am very passionate about Psychology, and would eventually like to pursue a career in the field. As someone who plays many roles in observation, it would deeply satisfy me to be able to devote myself into something that can better the mutual understanding between people"s behaviour and perhaps promote a better society.

  Yours sincerely,



  由于日本的大学都是自主招生体系的缘故,因此想去日本读好的大学好的专业必须选择去日本的语言学校去过渡。作为外国留学生必须要提交留学生考试成绩,此考试在中国没有设考场,每年 6、 11月分别进行考试。

  日本的语言学校出资方都是财团性质,与日本的大学都没有任何直接的关系,主要以 4、10 月招生为主,也有部分学校也可 1、 7

 4 月入学,申请入学时间比较灵活,平均一年学费 4 万~5 万左右。



  日本近 800 所的大学,根据学校的性质及专业排名的不同,其中也有很多学校,会把某些冷门的专业直接与海外机构或中学合作招生,而且不要求必须提交留考成绩,这类学校会分为两种:一种是排名稍微好些的私立大学(而且还设置了英语授课)二种是排名较差的三四流私立大学。



  日本的私立大学均为外国留学生提供了别科过渡的途径,一般学制为一年,申请条件难易度与各学校的排名有关,学费在 4-5 万左右,没有学籍,通过该校别科的课程学习,可直接参加学校的入学考试,如果通过,可直接就读大学一年级。









 6 续费,你在签租房合约的时候一定要看清合同的内容,你的合同内容都是用日文写的,如果你的日语不是很好,你可以请懂日文的朋友帮你确认一下这份合同有没有问题。

