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时间:2023-04-05 12:45:06 来源:网友投稿

maketrouble的中文翻译是什么1  英[meikˈtrʌbl] 美[mekˈtrʌbəl]  maketrouble基本解释  制造麻烦;拿粗挟细;掀风鼓浪;罗唣maketrouble的中文下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度make,trouble中文翻译是什么3篇(范文推荐),供大家参考。


make trouble的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [meik ˈtrʌbl] 美 [mek ˈtrʌbəl]

  make trouble 基本解释

  制造麻烦; 拿粗挟细; 掀风鼓浪; 罗唣

make trouble的中文翻译是什么2

  1. They try to make money but the aspiring actors cause a lot of trouble.

  2. I asked Clarence Seedorf to play on the right because with his technical quality I thought he"d make trouble for Siena.

  3. For example, they will smuggle their agents into China to sow dissension and make trouble.

  4. If you see it coming, you don"t have to flip out and make trouble for yourself down the line.

  5. Identifying these genes could make it possible to intervene with treatments before children get into trouble.

  6. All that calorie burning begs the question of how we ought to feed ourselves so as to make our toil and trouble worth it.

  7. If it is used as a transitive verb, it means to make someone suffer or bring someone unnecessary trouble.

  8. He told his son not to make trouble any more, the police said.

  9. He said he worried she would remember his appearance and his license number and later make trouble for him and his family.

  10. It is obvious the US"core purpose is to contain China"s rise by using Japan and the Philippines to make trouble for China.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇扩展阅读

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展1)

——carry with one的中文翻译是什么3篇

carry with one的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [ˈkæri wið wʌn] 美 [ˈkæri wɪð wʌn]

  carry with one 基本解释

  动词 记得

carry with one的中文翻译是什么2

  1. To begin with I could only hold two plates at one time but in the end I could carry dozens of plates at a time.

  2. They buy one brand of bag not because it meets their needs, but it"s the kind the people they look up to carry around with them.

  3. With the capacity to carry helicopters, it is one of China"s most advanced patrol ships.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展2)

——weigh in with的中文翻译是什么3篇

weigh in with的中文翻译是什么1

  [wei in wið]

  weigh in with 基本解释

  动词 成功地提出

weigh in with的中文翻译是什么2

  1. Intense domestic discussions have taken place to weigh the pros and cons of currency revaluation in line with the country"s internal and external conditions.

  2. The patient should weigh up the risks and benefits of treatment in consultation with a doctor.

  3. Obama huddled with his " war council " to weigh the options in what the White House called a final review.

  4. Washington needs to weigh the interests of a single company against its national interests in maintaining a sound relationship with the world"s biggest developing country.

  5. The students were charged with acting like admissions"officers to determine what factors they would weigh most heavily in making admissions"decisions.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展3)

——短语carry on的中文翻译是什么

短语carry on的中文翻译是什么1

  carry on的中文翻译

  英 [kri n] 美 [kri ɑn]

  carry on 基本解释

  经营; <非正>继续进行; 争吵; 吵闹

  carry on 相关例句


  1. They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.


  carry on的单语例句

  1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

  2. Many of these students have already become the backbone force to carry on the cultural exchange and the business intercourse with China.

  3. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test.

  4. Temperatures in the capital shot up to 36 C in a heat wave that will carry on for another couple of days.

  5. If cable and satellite TV providers can hang on to more subscribers, broadcasters can then demand more money from them to carry their stations on the lineups.

  6. The Ministry of Education also issued a circular in January this year, calling on local education departments to carry out the program based on their own circumstances.

  7. UN human rights experts also identified " serious procedural shortcomings " and called on Iraq not to carry out the death sentences.

  8. The farmers claimed they did not want compensation, and they just want to stay put and carry on with their lives.

  9. And the first thing among these efforts is to remain modest and carry on with the ongoing reforms.

  carry on的双语例句

  1. Then we carry on a questionnaire survey about periodical community of the Ministry of Education subordinate university.


  2. One good way to carry your Skis is to place them on one shoulder with the tips in front.


  3. In order to improve water environment and to use water resource in reservoirs persistently, it is important for us to carry out the research on water environment protection of reservoirs.


  4. A: I"ve got two pieces of baggage to check in; one is carry-on.


  5. Every passenger is allowed to have one carry-on baggage.


make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展4)

——英文hold down的中文翻译是什么

英文hold down的中文翻译是什么1

  hold down的中文翻译


  压住; 镇压; 使固定; 限制

  hold down 相关例句


  1. Jim has not held down a job for more than a year.


  2. We must hold down prices.


  hold down 网络解释

  1. 抑制:解决慢收敛问题的另一个技术使用了抑制(hold down)法. 抑制法迫使参与协议工作的路由器,在收到关于某网络不可达的信息后的一段固定时间内,忽略任何关于该网络的路由信息. 这段抑制时间的典型长度是60秒.

  2. 压制;抑制(热情等):hold back 踌躇,退缩不前,阻止 | hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) | hold in 约束,抑制

  3. 制止;控制;缩减:hand down 递给;传递下来;世代相传 | hold down 制止;控制;缩减 | put down 写下;记下;镇压;放下

  hold down的英英释义


  1. restrain

  e.g. please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep

  2. keep

  e.g. She manages to hold down two jobs

  hold down的例句

  1. The late after-rain splendor still shines on pebbles of diamonds glistening on sands of Repulse Bay when you hold my hand and walk me down the aisle of the sparkling golden sea, dancing with reflection of dimming sun rays......


  2. When Bob gets mad, you can"t hold him down.


  3. 40Pc. The Fed would hold down yields by purchasing more bonds.


  4. There was a formula for everyone who made a mistake: First, they would hold a press conference, denied they had done anything wrong and reserve the right to sue. Second, they would obscure the main issue in order to confuse people. Third, they would attack their adversaries, smear them and threaten to drag them down with them.


  5. I"ve saved the summer I"ve saved the summer and I give it all to you to hold on winter mornings when the snow is new I"ve saved some sunlight if you should ever need a place away from darkness where your mind can feed and for myself I"ve kept your smile when you were but nineteen, tiil you are older you"ll not know what brave young smiles can mean I know no answers to help you on your way the answera lie somewhere at the bottom of the day but if you"ve a need for love I"ll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you"ve found your own

  我保存了夏天我保存了夏天并且我给它全部您举行在冬天早晨当雪是新的我保存了一些阳光如果您曾经需要一个地方从黑暗那里您的头脑可能哺养并且为我自己我保留了您的微笑当您是仅十九,tiil 您将更老您" ll 不知道什么勇敢的年轻微笑可能意味我不知道答复帮助您在您的途中回答谎言某处在天的底部但如果您有对爱的需要我将给您全部我拥有它也许帮助您击倒路您发现了您自己

  6. I hold definitely no more than 6000 words, you`ve learnt English for as long as my whole life, but still, I can smash you down.


  7. I will hold the throat of Destiny and never bow down to it.


  8. In the meantime on the instigation of Plautianus he hunted down the remnants of Pescennius"following, to the extent that he even laid hold on some of his own friends as conspirators against his life.


  9. By reducing the need to intervene to hold down the currency, it will also curb the build-up of foreign-exchange reserves and hence monetary growth.


  10. Oh Lover, hold on"till i come back againfor these arms are growin"tired, and my tales are wearing thinif you"re patient I will surprise, when you wake up i"ll have comeAll the anger will settle downand we"ll go do all the things we should have doneyes i remember what we saidas we lay down to bedi"ll be here if you will only come back homeoh lover, i"m lostbecause the road i"v...


make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展5)








  第七代的iPhone 5s及iPhone 5c于2013年9月10日发布,同年9月20日正式发售。

  第八代的iPhone 6及iPhone6 Plus于2014年9月10日发布,*大陆地区销售时间定为10月17日。北京时间2015年9月10日,iPhone 6s及iPhone 6s Plus正式发布,已于2015年9月12日15时开始接受预约,并于2015年9月25日正式开售,*是首发国家之一。

  第九代的iPhone 7及iPhone 7 Plus于北京时间2016年9月8日发布,起售价格为5388元。


  1. 网络电话:从技术上讲,利用INTERNET上所提供的电子邮件(E-mail)、电子宣布版(BBS)、网络寻呼机( ICQ)、网络实时交谈(IRC)、网络会议(NetMeeting)、网络电话(IPHONE)等工具,既可以实现问卷调查,也可以实现访谈调查.

  2. 端:3G终端应用开发工程师工作职责:开发基于移动终端的3G应用,负责移动终端(iphone)的互联网应用开发,测试,负责web服务器上和第三方应用集成的"开发,部署和管理,后台数据库应用的开发配置和管理,网络层应用开发调试,参与系统管理,

  3. 手机:什么听同学说iPhone不好啦,什么 手机(iPhone) 玩游戏会死机拉,根本就在放P,又或者他根本就是在用山寨机.. 什么都不懂就在那吹,还有1个电池又怎样了,不能拿出?iPhone 的电池至少用上它个3~5年,哪那么容易坏!你以为苹果的东西 弄假?

  4. 最佳新电子小产品/设备:苹果:最佳设计公司:SmugMug; | 最佳新电子小产品/设备:苹果iPhone; | 最佳商业模式:Zazzle;

  5. iphone:internet phone; 网络电话,IP电话(VocalTec公司开发)

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展6)

——one and the same的中文翻译是什么3篇

one and the same的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [wʌn ænd ðə seim] 美 [wʌn ənd ði sem]

  one and the same 基本解释

  (表示强调)就是同一个; 同一个, 完全一样

one and the same的中文翻译是什么2

  1. " One Country " and " Two Systems " do not carry the same weight.

  2. Most Chinese hold it"s poisonous to eat crab and persimmon in one sitting, while many in Western countries say the same of citrus and shrimp.

  3. This means he would strive to construct a compassionate republic where every one enjoys the same rights regardless of their social and economic statuses.

  4. With the same person holding four different positions in what was essentially the same office, power and money both were concentrated in one pair of hands.

  5. Another cookbook published by the same company contained a recipe, the text and graphics of which were almost identical to one in his book.

  6. Evoking unpatriotic implications is the surest way to enhance one"s own image of moral correctness and at the same time sell papers.

  7. They fell in love at first sight and were as affectionate as husband and wife, sharing the same coverlet and pillow with unbounded intimacy for one another.

  8. The pictures and posters of rockers on the walls are of the same kind, only one has dimmer lights.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展7)

——go down的中文翻译形式是什么 (菁选2篇)

go down的中文翻译形式是什么1

  英 [ɡu daun] 美 [ɡo dan]

  go down 基本解释

  停止; 被接受; 沉下; 被打败


  1. This day will go down in history.


  2. He got home before the sun went down.


  3. The price of eggs has gone down.


  4. The wind has gone down a little.


go down的中文翻译形式是什么2

  1. (价格、水*或数量)下降,下跌

  If a price, level, or amount goes down, it becomes lower or less than it was.

  e.g. Income from sales tax went down...


  e.g. Crime has gone down 70 percent...


  2. 跪下;趴下

  If you go down on your knees or on all fours, you lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees.

  e.g. I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance.


  3. (体育比赛中)被打败

  In sport, if a person or team goes down, they are defeated in a match or contest.

  e.g. They went down 2-1 to Australia.


  4. (运动队)降级

  In sport, if a team goes down, they move to a lower division in a league.

  e.g. Only two go down at the end of this season.


  5. 引起…反响;得到…回应

  If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people.

  e.g. Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates.


make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展8)

——out of action的中文翻译是什么 (菁选2篇)

out of action的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [aut ɔv ˈækʃən] 美 [aʊt ʌv ˈækʃən]


  不再运转, 失去效用



  1. The enemy"s machine gun was put out of action.


  2. After a bad fall I was out of action for a month.


out of action的中文翻译是什么2

  1. A libel action brought by Australian international Harry Kewell against former England striker Gary Lineker and the Sunday Telegraph has been settled out of court.

  2. Subsequently, an action plan can be worked out to punish violators of agreements and rules.

  3. So the office must take action to weed out abuse of the student system, it said.

  4. Du is now the first choice substitute when Shao Jiayi is out of action.

  5. " This action arises out of the efforts by defendants to bleed additional funds from plaintiff, " the complaint said.

  6. It is a common injury in cycling and one that will keep him out of action for around six weeks.

  7. The world is running out of time as it faces major challenges on a number of fronts that demand concerted action.

  8. The majority of the sex stars informally polled at the expo said a shift to high definition would not keep them out of the action.

  9. The United States has carried out no direct military action in Somalia since a 1993 intervention resulted in the deaths of 18 servicemen.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展9)

——on the sea的中文翻译形式是什么 (菁选2篇)

on the sea的中文翻译形式是什么1

  英 [ɔn ðə si:] 美 [ɑn ði si]

  on the sea 基本解释

  副词 在海上,在海边

on the sea的中文翻译形式是什么2

  1. The ship was intercepted by sea patrols of Fujian Public Security on Saturday night.

  2. The Ministry of Transport called for efforts to reduce accidents caused by sea ice to guarantee the safe navigation on the sea early last month.

  3. On the corridor were scattered white shells collected by the couple by the sea.

  4. She is saved by the sea sprite Golfo, who takes her to his blue grotto on the island of Capri.

  5. Another project that kicked off on September 14 is aimed at protecting island coasts that have been eroded by the sea.

  6. Western tourists were killed sunbathing on beaches, poor villagers drowned in homes by the sea and fishermen died in flimsy boats.

  7. It"s quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.

  8. The project is located on the east coast of the Bohai Sea by the Jinzhou Bay.

  9. Another 60 volunteers will be clearing floating litter on the surface of the sea by boats.

  10. One sailor was killed and 10 are missing after a fishing boat hit a cargo ship on the Yellow Sea off Liaoning Province early yesterday.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展10)

——id number的中文翻译是什么意思 (菁选2篇)

id number的中文翻译是什么意思1

  ID number


  Do you have a National ID number, or other unique identifier that was issued to you by any government?


  While this is valid XML, it does not represent the true meaning of a vehicle identification number, the unique ID of a car.


  Medical record manager design two forms to manage patients identification number ( patients ID number), and records filling in case of repeated record numbers issued or ID number lost.


id number的中文翻译是什么意思2

  1. Wu used her own ID for the booking but put Wang"s contact phone number on the application.

  2. Each card has a unique ID number, which we can link to personal data like a photograph and employee details.

  3. The owner of a graphic design firm in Beijing was wrongfully arrested because he shares an ID card number with a wanted man.

  4. Many subscribers have more than one ID and use dummy IDs to increase the number of micro blog followers or to spread rumors.

  5. He successfully guessed that the password was the last six digits of the owner"s ID number.

  6. Beijing is planning to implant dogs with digital chips containing their individual ID number.

  7. If the ID number does not exist or does not match the name, the inquirer receives only a negative response.

  8. The original password was the last six digits of his student ID number.

  9. A user can still get registered with a fake name and someone else"s ID number.

  10. According to the user guide posted on the website, anyone can " verify " another person"s identity sim* by entering the relevant name and ID number.

make trouble的中文翻译是什么3篇(扩展11)

——英语logs的中文翻译是什么意思 (菁选2篇)


  练习用球瓶;原木,木材,木料( log的名词复数 );航海[飞行]日志;

  英 [lɒgz] 美 [lɒgz]



  1. Especially interesting are problems that calculate how efficient a laborer was by how many logs he carried or how many sandals he could make.

  2. The tomb"s construction consists of several hundred cubic meters of cypress and chinaberry logs, sealed with charcoal and gypsum.

  3. The fire brought down the roof of bamboo logs and coconut leaves onto the children trapped inside.

  4. Workers wait for another load of logs to be placed on a truck, near a logging site in the suburbs of Beijing.

  5. China had been driving demand on the world market, taking raw logs and processing them into products for onward sale.

  6. Zhu logs on to the website every day, partly because it has articles and videos on a range of other subjects too.

  7. Logs are piled at the corner next to the fireplace, which is made of bricks.

  8. The website previously launched an interface allowing the public to search the Iraq war logs published by WikiLeaks in October.

  9. Plenty of other companies already offer similar tools for creating and maintaining Web logs that track everything from workday antics to political gossip.
