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时间:2023-06-08 12:30:06 来源:网友投稿




高中英语教案 篇一


Students are to be able to

predict what to hear.

use the group of words related to stress.

tell the ways to deal with the stress.





1) Listen to an interview concerning stressful situations

2) Predict before listening


1) To identify stressful situations.

2) To use stress related words and expressions.

3) To learn about ways of dealing with stress.

4) To predict before listening.





时间 教具



Lead in

Ask questions

Write down key words on the Bb Answer the questions

Get familiar with the topic 2’ Pictures

Computer Title

New words and key sentences Ss might not use the target words



Items in


Write down model sentences on the Bb Brainstorm and talk about stressful situations 3’

Textbook Model sentences Differences between

very, quite vs.

a little

Check point Ex. 2 Page 10 Focus on the form, meaning and use of the lexical items 3’

Textbook Key words Ss might have difficulty producing the answer:

stress pressure

Prediction Introduce the technique of prediction Ss use the technique to predict answers individually

Justify their opinions in pairs 5’ Textbook

computer No Ss’ individual differences


Play the cassette

Highlight the strategies

Play the cassette

twice Listen for general information to check the answers 10’ Computer

Textbook No Some Ss might feel depressed after checking, then they need encouragement

Listening Play the cassette for the third time

Encourage Ss to choose suitable ways to answer the 3 questions based on their ability

Help Ss to find the right answers Listen for specific information to answer the question

Get enough information on stress and learn the ways to deal with stress 12’


Answer sheet

Computer No

Ss might over or under- estimate their own ability to answer the questions

Ss might not be able to collect enough specific information to finish the task

Give Suggestions Offer a chance for Ss to evaluate their study Solve practical problems in their life in groups


Evaluation 10’ Answer sheets Evaluation form

The suggestions might be quite different based on individual differences, whatever the results everyone should be awarded

Homework Read Supplementary Reading on P7 & P9

高中英语教案精选 篇二


1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

高中英语教案范文Step 3

Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

高中英语教案 篇三



本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。


The first period:


Warming Up and Pre-Reading

The second period: Reading

The third period: Grammar

The forth Period:Listening

The fifth period: Writing


① 知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.



2. 结交网友;

3. 观点交流;

4. 不善交朋友;

5. 朋友的重要性。



词汇:add point upset ignore calm concern cheat share reason list series crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust suffer advice situation communicate habit

短语: add up calm down have got to be concerned about go through hide away set down on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

重点语法项目: 直接引语和间接引语的互相转换

难点:Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship;

Discuss the answers to the questions (Reading);

How to teach the Ss to master the usage of Direct Speech and Indirect

Speech(Statement and Questions).


Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pair work, teach grammar in real situation


A projector and a tape recorder.


(9)课堂练习与课外作业设计: 穿插于分课时教学设计中

(10)教学反思或值得改进的地方: 见每个课时最后部分。

高中英语教案ppt 篇四



The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions in the part of Vocabulary and Reading. And get the students to find out the meaning of the text, then give some explanations about them , and offer practice to make students master the important words of consolidate the contents of the reading passage , students should be required to retell the text in their own words 。In order to arouse students’ interest , the teacher can hold a competition.



Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part:

Learn the language in this part and train the students in the reading comprehension.


1) Improve the Ss’ ability in reading.?

2) Train the Ss to grasp the meaning of the words from the context.?


Learning to love the new high school life and forming positive attitude towards language learning in new surroundings.


重点:let the students learn how to introduce their school and their school life.

难点:Know different school systems of different countries.





新授课教学基本环节:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究 精讲点拨;反思总结 当堂检测;发导学案 布置预习。


1 学生的课前准备:预习课文,初步理解,查阅资料,尝试练习。

2 教师的教学准备:多媒体课件制作,课前预习学案,课后延伸拓展学案,分好小组。

【七、课时安排 四十五分钟】


Step1 Check(预习检查 总结疑惑)


Step 2. Introduction


Step 3. Pre-reading activities Lead in the study of the text by carrying out the activities 1and 2 of this part. (读前活动是阅读项目的准备和铺垫,能为整个项目的学习创造气氛,激发兴趣以及指出思维方向;更为重要的是,它能训练联想、对比和归纳等认知策略。通过做选择题学习生词,培养学生用英语进行初步思考的能力,为正面阅读做准备,应引起我们教师的重视。)

Step 4. Fast-reading Ask the students to read the passage quickly and then do activity 3. (训练学生快速获取知识的能力)

Step 3. Detailed-reading

A. Decide if the following sentences are true or false?

1、 Li Kang lives in our capital, Beijing.

2、 It is his first day at Junior High school.

3、 Li Kang knows why his new school is good.

4、 Ms. Shen is very enthusiastic to her students.

5、 Li Kang likes Ms. Shen’s attitude, but the others don’t.

B. Do activities 4, 5, 6.


C. Analysis of the passage :Which is the best summary of Li Kang’s opinion about the new school?

Step 5. Post-reading Choose the answers with the same meaning as the sentences from the text.


Step 6. Discuss

The students work in teams and encourage them to give their opinions and finally two teams report their opinions to the whole class.


Step 7. Homework

Write a one-hundred-word article to describe your senior high school, such as your classroom, your English teacher and your lessons.

【九、 教学反思】


高一英语必修二全册教案 篇五




1、重点词汇flood;figure;rebuild;mark;face(v.);in danger;date from;make agood effort

2、重要句型figure;rebuild;mark ;face(v.);in danger;date from;make a good ef-fort

3、语法定语从句(5):1)The project,which lasted four years,cost$ 1 billion.2)Bob’s father,who worked on the project,spent four years in Egypt.

4、日常交际用语 提出建议(Making suggestions):1)Well,there are several thingswe could do.2)Maybe we could go shopping this evening.3)I think we should do that an- other day.4)You’d better take a hat.The sun will burn you if you’re not careful.

高中英语教案 篇六













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