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时间:2022-07-05 17:00:03 来源:网友投稿





 妈的 No. Fuck me! 天啊 Jesus Christ. 抱歉

 我找不到另一只鞋了 I"m sorry. Can"t find me other shoe. -现在几点了

 -七点了 - What time is it? - Uh, seven. -今天是可怕的一天吗

 -是的 - Is today the dreadful day? - Yeah! 我要带爸妈去养老院 I"m taking Mum and Dad to the hospice, 还要去摧毁一些梦想 then heading out to shatter some dreams. 那只鞋死哪去了 Where the fuck has this shoe gone? 你会回来吃晚饭吗 Will you be here for dinner? 我恐怕大概又要晚回了 Probably late again, I"m afraid. 在布兰登手下做事就仿佛 Working for Brandon is like 置身于狄更斯小说

 只是现在 being in a Dickens novel, only now, 守财奴会给皮肤保湿

 带牙套整牙 Scrooge moisturizes and wears veneers. 你在这啊

 你个小混♥蛋♥ Ah, there you are, you little prick. 天啊

 瞧瞧我这样 Christ. Look at me. 聪明随性的死神 Smart-casual Grim Reaper. 转移这些资金是布兰登的主意 It"s Brandon"s idea to divert these funds. 他才应该当那个挥舞斧头的人 He should be the one wielding the axe. 是镰刀


 不是斧头 It"s a scythe. The Grim Reaper uses a scythe, not an axe. 你个傻瓜 You"re such a twat. 我的四个项目要失去资金了

 Four of my projects are gonna lose their funding, 整整四个

 我很害怕 you know-- four. I"m dreading it so much. -这会毁掉项目

 -我很遗憾 - It"s gonna devastate them. - I"m sorry. 这些都是很重要的社区项目 These are really important community projects, you know? 它们其实很有意义

 能挽救生命 They actually make a difference. They save lives. 达伦通过微信解雇了工作室所有员工 Darren fired everyone at the studio via WhatsApp. 不过平心而论

 他发了语♥音♥ I mean, to be fair to him, he did it with a voice memo -显得更人性点

 -真有他的 - to add the personal touch. - Classy. -祝你今天好运

 -谢了 - Hey, good luck today. - Thank you. 我得走了 Well, I"d better go. 再见 Bye. 再见 Bye. 对了

 你得跟卢克聊聊 Oh, by the way, you need to speak to Luke, 因为我担心他又自闭了 "cause I"m worried he"s-- he"s getting insular again. -爱丽



 我知道 - Ally, I"m really-- - You"re busy, I know. 但我也很忙

 你只需要抽点时间陪他 But so am I, and you just need to make time for him. 好


 再见 Okay. Uh, I"ll try. See ya. 再见 See ya. 养育者 第三季

 第六集 -你们好



 亲爱的 - Hey, it"s me. - Hi, love. 你准备好了吗


 都过了半小时了 You nearly ready, Mum? Got half an hour.


 保罗 I"m just putting me face on, Paul. 西装不错 Nice suit. -你要出庭吗

 -我还希望呢 - Court appearance? - I wish. 如果你们还想搭便车去养老院就快点 Better get a move on if you want a lift to the hospice. -我不去了

 -为什么 - Oh, I"m not going. - Why? 克丽丝是你妈妈的朋友 Well, Chrissy"s your mum"s friend. 我又不认识她 I barely knew her. 总之

 她比我更擅长这种事 Anyway, she"s better at this sort of thing than me. 你也知道

 女人喜欢跟女人聊天 You know how women like to talk amongst themselves. 爸

 这又不是去丽兹酒店喝下午茶 Dad, it"s not afternoon tea at the Ritz. 被誉为全球第一下午茶

 深受贵族喜爱 克丽丝都快死了 Chrissy"s dying. 没错

 那我为什么要看着她死 Exactly. And why would I want to watch her die? 她为什么想让我看她死 And why would she want me to? 我还要给木头刷油漆 I"ve got woodwork to paint. 你为什么早上七点半要刷油漆 Why are you doing this at half seven in the morning? 我六点就起了


 老人醒得早 I get up at six. I"m old. We do that. 好吧 Yeah. -你看着真漂亮



 亲爱的 - Oh, you look nice, Mum. - Oh, thanks, love. -你也很帅

 -好吧 - So do you! - Oh, well... 谢谢你来载我 Yeah, thanks for taking me.

 我已经订了返程的出租车 I"ve booked a cab to come back. 我替你向克丽丝问好吧

 吉姆 I"ll send Chrissy your love then, shall I, Jim? 嗯

 替我跟她打个招呼 Yeah, tell her I said hello. -我去拿外套

 -好 - I"ll get me coat. - Yeah. 找到了

 我找到卡了 Got it! I"ve got my card. 好


 要开票了 Right, so 7:30 precisely, it goes live, 然后我得一直点刷新

 对吧 then I have to keep hitting "Refresh." Okay? -对


 -好了 - Okay, well, good luck. - All right. 开始 And... go! 不


 这怎么可能 No. No. How can this happen? 票全都卖♥♥完了

 秒没 All sold out already, in, like, seconds. 我觉得是票贩子用了某种算法抢票 Well, I think the ticket touts use some kind of algorithm. 你抢到了吗 Did you? 格蕾丝也没抢到票 Grace didn"t get any, either. 晚点再聊

 再见 Speak to you later. Bye. 你真的很想去看这个乐队的表演

 是吧 Aw, you really want to see this band, don"t you? 桃子 66 乐队真的很棒

 他们可能两年内 Peach 66 are amazing, and they probably won"t be touring here 都不会再来这里巡演了 for another two years or something. 我不能保证

 但达伦认识一个 I can"t promise anything, but Darren knows this guy 在阿波罗剧院帮忙调音的人 who works helping out with the sound at the Apollo. 我可以问问他能不能帮我们搞几张票

 I could-- I could ask him and see if he could get us some comps. 可以吗

 那太棒了 Would you? That would be amazing. 我会...我会尽力 Well, I mean, I"ll do-- I"ll do my best. 好了


 去吧 Anyway, go get ready for school. Go. 好


 对不起 Right, yeah. Sorry, sorry. 你好啊 Hey up. 保罗

 你最近过得怎么样 Yes. Paul. How"s it going? -很好

 -是吗 - Yeah, good. - Yeah? 嗯


 谢了 Yeah, good, thanks. 守护我们街区的和平 瞧瞧这个 Wow, look at that. -这些家伙像机器一样忙个不停

 -是啊 - Yeah, these guys are machines. - Yeah, right. 你还好吗

 要喝杯咖啡吗 You all right? You want a coffee? 瓶子里有速溶咖啡

 不过... There"s instant in the flask, but, you know-- 不




 伙计 No, no, it"s fine. Thanks, mate. 其实

 多诺万 Actually, uh, Donovan, 我恐怕要告诉你一些坏消息 I"ve got some bad news, I"m afraid, 关于我们对你们资助 about, uh, your funding from us. -该死

 -是啊 - Shit. - Yeah. 是取消了吗 It"s being pulled? 这...这很复杂 It-- Well, it"s-- it"s complicated. 听着


 See, in order to establish growth in other sectors, 我们必须评估哪些项目值得投入 we have to evaluate which projects we can actually commit to. 保罗


 伙计 Paul... Don"t, mate. Please. 我们要失去经费了

 是吧 We"re losing our money, right? 是的 Yeah. 对

 他们要取消对你们的资助 Yeah, they"re pulling your funding 把它用到别的方面 and, uh, using it somewhere else. 相信我


 这不是我的主意 Trust me, mate, it wasn"t my idea. -我试着争取了


 天啊 - I-I tried to fight it. - I"m sure you did. Jeez. -我们做得这一切很有意义

 -是啊 - This is-- this is good work we"re doing, you know. - Yeah. -我知道


 这些青少年犯罪的事 - I know. - All this stuff, this young offender stuff-- 你也知道

 对这些人的生活有多大影响吧 you know what difference it"s making in these guys" lives, right? 我真的很抱歉

 伙计 I"m really sorry, mate. 刚才你说的咖啡给我来一杯吧

 如果方便的话 I"ll have that coffee, though, if you"re still going. -好的

 -谢了 - Yeah, yeah. - Thanks. 各位

 保罗有话要对你们说 Guys... Paul"s got something to tell you. -怎么了

 -我很抱歉 - What"s wrong? - I"m so sorry. -天啊


 -不是 - Oh, my God, are you and Dad getting a divorce? - No! 不


 我只是...我只是很抱歉 No, no, I"m just-- I"m just-- I"m just really sorry that... 我是一个这么棒的妈妈 that I"m such a... an amazing mum, 给你搞到了三张桃子 66 乐队演出的门票 for getting us three tickets to see Peach 66.




 -真的 - No. Oh, my God. Really? - Yeah! 格蕾丝一定会很高兴 Grace is gonna be so excited. 你想听听他们的歌♥吗 Do you want to hear some of their music? 好啊

 放吧 Yeah, yeah, yeah, play it. 你觉得怎么样 What do you think? 就...不错

 不错 Just-- yeah. Yeah. 太感谢你了 Thank you so much. 我不敢相信我们真的能见到他们 I can"t believe we"re actually gonna go see them. 我等不及要去听现场了 I can"t wait to hear that live, 因为那一定很赞 because it"s gonna be something. 卢克 Hey, Luke. -你好


 -我的天... - Hiya, Dad. - Oh, my... 今天过得还好吗 Good day? -那你呢

 -不太好 - What are you up to? - Not much. -只想出了一条新旋律

 -真不错 - Just coming up with a new baseline. - Cool. -雅各布没跟你一起


 他带着露比 - Jacob not around? - No, he"s taking Ruby 去看费利斯·瓦里的展览了 to see the Felice Varini exhibition. 在泰特现代美术馆 At the Tate Modern. 费利斯创作的是几何错觉艺术 He does, like, anamorphic illusions. -是吗

 -是的 - Does he? -Yeah. 他可真厉害

 Good for him. 当你朋友开始更多地和女朋友在一起 It"s-- It"s always hard when your mate starts 而不陪你时

 总是比较难熬 hanging out with his girlfriend more than you. 但我们都经历过 But we"ve all been there, mate. 我和雅各布

 我们是朋友 Me and Jacob, we"re mates and all. 但我们不再是最好的朋友了 But we"re not really best mates anymore. 真可惜 That"s a shame. 他有露比了... I mean, he"s got Ruby... 我也有我的乐队 ...and I"ve got my band. 所以

 没关系... So, yeah, it"s fine, I mean... 我会一直陪着你

 卢克 Well, I"m always here for you, Luke. -你知道的


 爸爸 - You know that. - Thank you, Dad. 你想再埋在我枕头里尖叫吗 Would you like to scream into my pillow again? 不用了


 儿子 No, I"m good, thanks, mm. 迟点见 See you later. 他看起来还好 He seems okay. 我想乐队会成为拯救他的东西 I think that band"s gonna be the thing that saves him. -还有晚餐剩吗


 抱歉 - Any dinner left? - Oh, no, sorry. 我以为你上班的时候吃过了 I thought you"d get something at work. 不

 我一直在工作 No, I"ve not stopped. -我也是

 -天啊 - Tell me about it. - Ah, man.


 应该能算是我最难过的日子之一了 That was, I think, one of the worst days of my life. 天啊


 如果我们现在没有 Jesus Christ. I feel that, if any of the kids 帮助到的孩子们惹上了麻烦 we"re now not helping gets into trouble 或伤害了别人


 那就是我们的错 or, God forbid, hurts someone, then that"s on us. 惊悚电影《沉默的羔羊》中的杀人狂魔 不是我们的错

 是野牛比尔的错 Well, not on us, on fuckin" Buffalo Bill. 我真的不知道是否能继续为他工作 I honestly don"t know if I can carry on working for him. 别吃那些

 那些是为艾娃的演唱会准备的 No, don"t eat those. They"re for Ava"s concert thing. -什么演唱会

 -我给她 - What concert? - Oh, I got her tickets 搞了几张超难买♥♥到的门票 for this impossible-to-get-into gig. -她现在可兴奋了


 花了多少钱 - She"s over the moon. - Christ. How much did that cost? 你的第一反应就这 Wow, that"s your first response? 抱歉

 就是"超难买♥♥到" Sorry, it"s just, you know, "Impossible to get into" 听起来就不便宜 doesn"t exactly scream "Bargain." 我得上个免...