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时间:2022-07-05 17:00:03 来源:网友投稿




 - 前情回顾 - 这世界变成啥样了? What"s the world coming to? 把那警长给我大卸八块 Tear that goddamn sheriff apart. 别被他们追着打成筛子哈 Don"t end up like a hare in the goddamn hunt. 所有这一切,我都是为你做的 Everything I"ve done has been for you, brother. 我背上的刀疤也是么? What about the scars on my back? 内森,我不想嫁给你 Nathan, I don"t want to marry you. 婊♥子♥!

 Whore! 嘘 Shh. 放她走这就是你的 It"s yours if you let her go. 我不想成为你放弃一切的理由 I can"t be the reason you give it all up. 史蒂夫应该在这儿,但他却在镇子上 Steve should be here, but he"s in town 为他的婊♥子♥哭丧 weeping over his whore. 这地这么干,我还每天都犁 I plow the dry earth every day 为的是一旦下雨就能直接播种了 so that I"ll be ready when it rains. 谁在你后背留下的刀疤? Tell me who gave you those scars. - 告诉我,谁在你后背留下的刀疤 -Tell me who gave you those scars. 你问这个干吗? Why do you care? 因为我大半辈子都在 "Cause I"ve been searching for that son of a bitch 找这个狗♥娘♥养♥的 for most of my goddamn life. 别逼我活剥你皮,警长,我真下得了手 Don"t make me skin you alive, Sheriff, "cause I will.

 别不信 Believe me. 好吧,我可以起来吧 All right. Let me get up. 你也看得出来,我这么不太舒服 As you can see, I"m uncomfortable. 这姿势让我... It just makes me 你再动一下试试... If you make a move... 好的 All right. 我知道,我知道 I know, I know. 好吧 All right. 告诉我 Tell me. 告诉我那狗日子的名字!

 Tell me his fucking name! 布朗森,你个疯子!

 Bronson, you fuck! 丢下枪 Drop it. 马丁 你看 汤普森说对了 You know, Martin, Thompson was right. 那史蒂夫也说对了 So was Steve. 看到了吗? You see? 到底还是下雨了 In the end, it came. 去吧 Go on. 你去打开 You do it. 来吧 Go on. 我们一起试试 We"ll try it together. 好的,来吧

 Okay, here we go. 一,二,三咯 One, two, three. 去吧,看看去 Go on, go see. 可能需要几分钟时间 It might take a few minutes. 去玩会,水来了我就去找你 Go play, I"ll come get you when it happens. 去吧 Go on. 我错怪你了 I"ve wronged you. 我知道 I know. 我不是个好男人,我伤害了你 Like the worst kind of man, I"ve offended you, 还背叛了你 and betrayed you-- 你都背叛我好多年了,史蒂夫 You"ve been betraying me for years, Steve. 你以为我不知道么? You think I never knew? 我之所以愿意继续跟你在一起 It was a price I was willing to pay to stay with you 是因为多里安需要一个父亲 但是 天哪 because Dorian needed a father, but, Jesus... 从没想到你会让我们 Never would I have thought you"d let us 如此受累 挨饿 以至于绝望成那样 sweat, and starve, and despair like we have, 但一直以来我们居然坐拥一座金矿 while, all this time, we"ve been sitting over a goldmine. -金子是邪恶的... -快拉倒吧!

 -That gold is evil-- -Stop! 我受够了你的虚伪 I"m tired of listening to your hypocrisy. 邪恶不是也没能阻止你拿去 It wasn"t so evil you couldn"t use it to try 救那婊♥子♥的命呢? and save that whore from being hanged!

 知道么 直到现在我才看清你的真面目 You know, it"s only now I see you for what you really are. 你真把自己当圣人么? Do you think you"re some kind of martyr? 你跟你反对的那些人一样令人厌恶 You"re as hateful as the men you oppose. 让我们活得这么惨之前 You should have asked us for permission 你应该先征得我们的同意 to make us live like this. 怎么不去外面耕地了,史蒂夫? Shouldn"t you be outside working, Steve? 各位有何贵干? What can I do for you? 我们是为联邦银行那笔钱来的 We"re here for the Federal Bank money. 噢,你也能看出来,这里已经不是银行了 Well, as you can see, this ain"t a bank no more. 要不... Let"s... 我换一种说法吧 approach this a little differently. 麦考伊在哪? Where"s McCoy? 我不认识你 I don"t know who you are 也不知道你跟他有啥瓜葛 or what you want from him, 但如果我数到三,你还他妈不 but if you ain"t up and out of that goddamn chair 从那椅子上起来 by count of three, 别怪我... -I"m gonna-- 放下枪 Drop it. 麦考伊在哪? Where is McCoy? 我们...我们好几天没见到他了 We...We haven"t seen him in days. 他跑去峡谷另一边了

 He was out the far side of the canyon, 但是桥已经塌了 but the bridge has collapsed. 如果他还活着,最大的可能 If he"s still alive, my best guess is 是从矿坑里走回来 he"ll be coming back through the mines. 矿坑?矿坑怎么走? The mines? Where...Where are the mines? 不太远 Not too far. 从镇子一直往东走 Take the path east of town 过了康多尔那座废弃的房♥屋 and pass the abandoned house in Condor, 就能看到了 you"ll be there. 操了 Fuck. 不错啊,是吧? Nice, huh? 你们觉得这玩意值多少钱? How much do you reckon it would be worth? 我们去找那狗♥日♥的♥警长去 Let"s go get this fucking sheriff. 还有不到两个小时就能到了 Less than two hours and we"re home. 他什么时候在你后背上留下刀疤的? How long ago did he give you those scars? 噢 闭嘴吧 小红 看在上帝份上 Oh, shut up, Red, for Christ"s sake. 至少告诉我在哪儿发生的 Look, at least just tell me where it happened. 我只想跟他谈谈 I just wanna talk to him. 我在一个叫艾比镇的地方长大 You know, I grew up in a place called Abbey Town. 从没听过这地方 I"ve never heard of it. 抓住她!

 Hold her!

 别紧张,别激动 Take it easy. Easy. 悠着点 Easy now. 只有一个女人 It"s just a woman. 楼梯上传来脚步声 Footsteps coming up the stairs, 然后听见她的尖叫 and then her screams, 他在她后背上刻了三刀,警长 as he cut that mark into her, Sheriff. 就像你背上的那样 Just like he did to you. 求你了,别过来 Please, leave! 快走开!

 Leave us alone! 请你别过来 Please, leave. 以上帝的名义,请不要!

 In the name of God, please, no! 啊!

 Ah! 但更深一些 But deeper. 请住手!

 Please, stop! 她看见我脸了吧? She saw my face? 我们只是为了钱 The things we do for money. 我那会八岁 I was eight. 你那会只是个小男孩 You were just a boy. 汤普森搞的 It"s Thompson. 没什么可怕的 There"s no need to be scared. 噢咦

 Ooh-wee. 看来我老弟炸♥药♥玩得不错 Looks like little brother"s got himself a taste for dynamite. 还记得这镇子之前什么样么? Remember how this town used to be? 终于,我们又要成为黄金之城了 Finally, we"ll get back to being that City of Gold. 所以,这就是你为什么要走遍全国 So, that"s why you"ve been going around the country 砍人脑袋的原因 chopping people"s heads off. 复仇 Revenge. 你可以那么说 I guess you can say that. 你为了找一个王八蛋,浪费了整个人生 You wasted your entire life searching for an asshole. 5 年 -15 年 -15 years. -15 years. 那么久了,有啥进展没? In all that time, how close you come? 现在我知道了他的名字 Well, now I know his name. 没错 That"s right. 从我这儿 I guess you do. 我们想跟你谈谈那箱子钱的事!

 We wanna talk to you about the money! 联邦银行的钱!

 The Federal Bank money! 妈的!

 Fuck! 你多保重 Good luck. 小红!

 Red! 别他妈动!

 Don"t fucking move! -我弹匣空了 -I"m empty.

 科特,我弹匣空了 Kurt, I"m empty. 嗷,妈的!

 Aw, shit! 上子弹 Reloading. 坚持住,伙计 Hang tight, buddy. -我子弹打完了 -I"m out. 别动 Stop. 马可? Marco? 布莱恩 Blaine. 简直了 Oh, shit. 我等不及想看你哥的表情 I can"t wait to see your brother"s face. 跟你说哈,我一直以为你会去做生意 I have to tell you, I imagined you as a businessman, 或者去放牛 生一群丑瓜蛋子 a cowherd, a family man with a string of ugly brats. 我甚至想你可能去当牧师 但是天哪 从没想过 I even imagined you as a priest, for Chrissake, but never, 你居然会当上警长 never a fucking sheriff. 我印象里 你从来也不是个想象力丰富的人 Well, you never struck me as a man with a great imagination. 你怎么找到我的? How did you find me? 你手下告诉我们你可能从那儿出来 Your damn deputies told us which way you might be coming. 也不需要多想 It doesn"t take much imagination 就知道他们下场如何 to guess what happened next. 马可 你知道我们不留活口 Marco, you know how we are about witnesses. 但我对你刚才那位朋友表示歉意

 But I am sorry about your friend. 如果他有家人的话 我保证他们以后衣食无忧 If he had family, they will lack for nothing. 啧啧 瞧瞧 Will you look at that? 这么慷慨和善良啊 Generosity and kindness. 你变了 You"ve changed. 我是他唯一的家人 I was his only family. 还有一个人呢? And what about the third? 我看到你们有三个人 There were three of you. 你再说一遍? Excuse me? 你已经听到了 You heard me. 管好他妈你自己的事 Mind your own goddamn business. 那个是我的犯人 He was my prisoner. 布莱恩,我不会拿走那笔钱的 Blaine, I would never have taken that money 如果知道是你的话 had I known it was yours. 我知道 I know that. 要不我去找那箱子钱 Now why don"t I go and get the money, 再处理完这摊子烂事 and I clean up this mess? 这里没有烂摊子 There is no mess. 也不用着急 There"s no hurry. -咱俩... -You and me... 咱俩先庆祝一下重逢 We"re celebrating our reunion.

 可以理解你们久别重逢的心情 Listen, you fellas might like to do that, 但我觉得还是早点完事交差比较好 but I think it"s near time we put an end to this mess. 钱藏在一个废弃的农场,我可以自己去拿 That money"s on an abandoned farm. I can go myself. 想得美哈,你以为会让你一个人去拿? Yeah, right, like you think we"re gonna let you go alone? 他这么跟你说话 你也能忍♥? Are you gonna let him talk to you like that? -你也变了 -我现在还是警♥察♥ 布莱恩 -You"ve changed. -I"m still Sheriff, Blaine. 我不能被被人看见跟你们这群土匪在一起 I can"t be seen with the men who murdered my deputies. 也对 All right. 那就只咱俩一起去吧 Let"s just you and me go together then. 路上还可以叙叙旧 Catch up on old times. 我得说,你俩基情四射挺好的 You know, I gotta say, it"s nice that you two are so close, 但没拿到钱就回去见布朗森,我可不敢 but I ain"t running the risk of going back to Bronson without that money. -如果我现在杀了你 -If I killed you right now, 地球上没有任何人会在乎吧 there"s not a soul on this Earth that would give a shit. 更不用提我那位混♥蛋♥老哥 Especially not my fucking brother. -要么开枪打死他 -Shoot the mouthy fuck, 要么把枪放下 or put the gun down. 这才是我之前认识的马可 This is the Marco I used to know. 布莱恩,你一个人跟他去有风险 Blaine, I would rather come with you. 别担心 Don"t worry. 我们出发!


 Let"s go! 我们天黑前就能回来 We"ll be back by dark. 我们天黑前回不来 We"re not gonna make it by dark. 况且,不能走得离格林韦尔太近 Besides, don"t wanna pass too close to Greenvale, 谁让你们在那闹了那么一出 not after the mess you guys caused. 建议我们绕一下路 I suggest we take a different route. 所以呢? So? 所以... So... 明天见 tomorrow. 行吧,我们明天早上在这见面 All right. We"ll see you here tomorrow morning. -嗯,嘿 -Hmm. Hey. 啊,好吧 Ah, of course. 总有一天你会被那玩意噎死 You"ll choke on those balls one day. -西蒙尼 -Symone, 你在干啥? what have you done? 我不能把她留在那儿 I couldn"t leave her there. 我做不到 I couldn"t. 把姑娘们叫...