接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是…… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 幽灵猎人激起了邪恶的灵魂…… Ghost hunters stir up a sinister spirit... 邪恶 男:哦 不! Man: Oh
no! -...在一个废弃的工厂 -哦 我的上帝! -...At an abandoned mill. -Oh
my god! 什么(消音)? What the [bleep]? 那把椅子完全是自己移♥动♥的 That chair moved 100% on its own. 这绝对是可怕的 It was absolutely terrifying. 一只可爱的宠物死而复生 Narrator: A beloved pet returns from the dead. 皮尔斯:当我们看到视频上的图像时 Pearce: When we saw the image on the video 真是悲喜交加 it was joy and tears at the same time. 华盛顿出现了令人难以置信的大脚怪…… Narrator: An incredible bigfoot sighting in washington... 这是最经典的大脚野人的镜头之一 This is one of the most classic instances of bigfoot footage. 这真是一个令人信服的证据 It"s really a compelling piece of evidence. ……加州闹鬼的酒吧… Narrator:...A haunted bar in california... -天啊… -看到了吗? -Holy... -Yeah
you see there? 男:现在看看那一家人 他们也注意到了 Man: Now watch the family. The family knows too. 他们看到了它 They saw it. ……还有更多你要亲眼看到才能相信的超自然影像 Narrator:...And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第十五集 幽灵狗
Ghost Dogs 要说诡异的地方 as far as eerie places go 废弃的建筑通常排在首位 abandoned buildings typically top the list. 内华达州银城的多诺万磨坊也不例外 The donovan mill in silver city
is no exception. 从 19 世纪末到 20 世纪中期 From the late 1800s through the mid-1900s 这里的金银矿石都是用氰化物来加工的 gold and silver ore were processed here using cyanide. 现在 这个残破的建筑群 Now the dilapidated complex 被认为是内华达州闹鬼最严重的地方之一 that remains is considered to be one of the most haunted locations in nevada. 许多人认为 Many believe 多年前在工厂办公室自杀的一名妇女一直在这里闹鬼 it"s haunted by a woman who committed suicide in the mill"s office years ago. 随着故事的发展 As the story goes 她的双脚都生了坏疽 she suffered from gangrene in both of her feet 其中一只不得不被截肢 and one of them had to be amputated. 女:啊! Woman: Ah! 据说 她太痛苦了 Narrator: Supposedly she was in so much pain 工厂另一边的工人都听到了她可怕的尖叫声 that the workers on the other side of the mill heard her horrific screams. 女:啊! Woman: Ah! 当她被告知必须给她另一只脚截肢时 Narrator: When she was told they had to take her other foot 她决定吊死在天花板上 she decided to hang herself from the ceiling instead. 最近 一个超自然小组被邀请到这个工厂进行调查 Recently
a paranormal team was invited to the mill to conduct an investigation 他们将永远不会忘记他们所听到的…… and they will never forget what they heard...
邪恶 -哦!-哦 不 -Oh! -Oh
no. -哦 不 -...所看到的 -Oh
no. -...And saw. -兄弟 这也很奇怪 -是啊 它好像拖着什么… -Bro
that said it weird
too. -Yeah it like dragged it... 哦 我的上帝! Oh
my god! 案例:鬼金矿 2019 年 6 月 帕特里克·麦奎里 narrator: In June of 2019 patrick mcqueary 和肖恩·阿米兹瓜亚被允许完全进入多诺万的磨坊 and sean amezcua were given full access to the donovan mill. 虽然里面只有他们两个人 Although they were supposed to be the only two people inside 他们立刻就觉得自己并不孤单 almost immediately
they got the feeling they weren"t alone. 脚步声 我们走进一个让人毛骨悚然的地方 that"s a creepy way to walk into a place. 阿米兹瓜亚:你有没有听到 像在这堵墙里面的脚步声? Amezcua: Did you hear like footsteps like on the inside of this wall? 是的 是的 Yeah. Yeah. 谁在这里走动? Who"s walking around in here? 当他们深入这个庞大的综合体时 Narrator: As they delved deeper into the sprawling complex 超自然活动从吓人… the paranormal activity went from chilling... 伙计 你刚才没有叫我的名字吧? Dude
you didn"t just say my name did you? -没有 -例如…… -No. -Like... -你听到什么了吗? -伙计…… -Did you hear something? -Dude... 邪恶 -哦!哦 不 -哦 不 -Oh! Oh
no. -Oh
no. ……变成绝对可怕
Narrator: ...To absolutely terrifying. 尖叫声 阿米兹瓜亚:哇 那是什么? Amezcua: Whoa
what the [bleep] was that? 麦奎里:什么?伙计…… Mcqueary: What? Dude... 我听到了一个令人毛骨悚然的女孩的尖叫 I heard
a bloodcurdling girl"s scream. 我没有亲耳听到 I didn"t hear it with my own ears. 肖恩当时正在拍摄 他戴着耳机 Sean
who was actually filming and had his headphones on 他是通过我们使用的麦克风听到的 and he heard it through the actual microphone that we were using 通过我的 LAV 麦克风或者摄像机上的一个麦克风 through my lav mic or one of the mics on top of the camera. 尖叫声 那是在办公室上吊自杀的女人的尖叫吗? Narrator: Could that have been the scream of the woman who hanged herself in the office? 听起来像是有人在痛苦地尖叫 It sounded like someone screaming in pain a good 大约在 100 码或 150 码外 maybe 100 yards
150 yards away 就是办公室所在的地方 which is exactly where the office was. 帕特里克和肖恩立刻去了那间办公室…… Narrator: Patrick and sean immediately made their way to that very office... 他们在那里安装了两个摄像头和一个灵箱 ...Where they set up two cameras and a spirit box 希望能和另外一个世界的女人交流 hoping to communicate with the woman from beyond the veil. 如果有个女人在这里自杀了 If there was a lady that committed suicide in here 你能…你是否能利用这些能量 can you... If you can use the energy 通过这个盒子和我说话 come and talk through this box. 告诉我们发生了什么 Tell us what happened. 斯特奇斯:这个灵盒可以扫描无线电频率 Sturges: What this spirit box does is it scans am radio frequencies
理论是 and the theory is 幽灵能通过操纵这个装置和人们交流 is that the spirit is able to manipulate the device 而不仅仅只用文字来交流 in a way that it stops on words that they want to communicate. 好吧 如果这里有人的话 Okay
so if there"s anybody in here 我们先把这个盒子放好 we"re going to leave this box set up. 你可以通过它来交流 You can come and actually communicate through that. 帕特里克和肖恩然后离开了房♥间 Narrator: Patrick and sean then left the room. 我觉得人类的污染阻止了超自然现象 I feel like human contamination keeps paranormal phenomena at bay 所以我非常喜欢让设备自己运行 让房♥间保持原样 so I"m a big fan of just leaving gear recording to do its own thing and just allow the room to be. 过了一会儿 他们回来看录像 Narrator: A short while later
they return to review the footage. 谁在这里? who"s in here? 你想让我们回来吗? Did you want us to come back? 老兄 这里气氛不一样 Dude
different vibe in here. 老兄 有个… dude
there is a... 这里有种完全不同的氛围 there is a totally different vibe in here. 你感觉到了吗? -是的 Do you feel that? -Yeah. 麦奎里:我们一进去 就觉得空气很沉重 Mcqueary: As soon as we walked in
it felt very heavy. 感觉非常紧张 你知道 非常不舒服 It felt very tense you know very uncomfortable. 海斯:在调查的时候 你会发现一个奇怪的现象 你走进一个房♥间 Hayes: While investigating
there"s actually this strange phenomena where you walk into a room 你马上就能看出有奇怪的事情发生了
and you can just instantly tell there"s something strange going on. 这不是温度的事情 It"s not a temperature thing. 也不是什么压力的事情 It"s not quite a pressure thing. 这是一些人类… It"s just some sort of information that some humans... 并且不是每个人都感受到这种信息 And it doesn"t even seem like every human can pick up on it 但他们可以马上意识到这一点 but they can immediately recognize that 房♥间给人的感觉不一样了 the room just feels differently and oftentimes 这时会出现某种奇怪的活动 that"s when some sort of strange activity will manifest. 果然 这就是他们离开时摄像机和灵箱捕捉到的东西 Narrator: And sure enough
here"s what the cameras and spirit box captured while they were gone. 我在这里 我认为这是一个梦 在地狱里 他们砍掉了她的脚 我们进行了一次完整的对话 there was actually a full conversation that came through 最诡异的台词之一 是一个男人的声音说 and one of the creepiest lines was when a man"s voice came through and said “他们砍掉了她的脚” "they chopped off her feet." 这还不是全部 narrator: And that"s not all. 让我展示一下地狱 看着幽灵的圆球飞过镜头…… Watch as a spirit"s orb flies by the camera... 接着是门砰的一声关上 ...Followed by the sound of a door slamming shut. 不管这是什么 它在向门口飞去 Whatever it was manifested flew towards the door 打开门 或者打开后又让门返回 opened it or opened it enough to then have the door come back 然后再关上 这很可怕 and close shut which is terrifying.
让我展示一下地狱 我亲自做过一千多项调查 I have personally done over a thousand investigations 我从来没见过这样的事 and I have never ever seen anything like that. 但是与接下来发生的事情相比 那就不算什么了…… Narrator: But that paled in comparison to what happened next... -我们坐这里吧 伙计 -好的 -Let"s sit down in here dude. -Yeah. ……帕特里克坐下来继续谈话 Narrator: ...As patrick sits down to continue the conversation. 使用一些能量 Use some energy. 使用任何你需要的能量 Use whatever energy you need. 在此之前 颤抖 阿米兹瓜亚:“在此之前?” Amezcua: "before time"? -为什么它只说两个字? -两个字 -Why did that say two words? -Two words. 是啊 上面只能显示两个字 Yeah
it"s two whole words on there. 邪恶 -哦 不! -兄弟 这也很奇怪 -Oh
no! -Bro that said it weird too. -是啊 它像被拖着… -哦 我的上帝! -Yeah
it like dragged it... -Oh
my god! 阿米兹瓜亚:……那不是你吗? Amezcua: What the... That wasn"t you? 老兄 不!那不是我! Dude
no! That was not me! 伙计 天啊!我浑身发冷… Dude
my god! I got chills down to my... 老兄 我一路都在发抖 就像… Dude
I got chills all the way up to like... 那不是你吗? That wasn"t you? 那不是我 伙计! That was not me
dude! 我看到肖恩在想“你是不是不小心踢到它了”
I"m look at sean thinking
"did you accidentally kick it?" 他看着我好像在说“是你吗?是你吗?” and he"s looking at me like
"was that you? Was that you?" 但那不是我 and it was not me. 那把椅子完全是自己移♥动♥的 That chair moved 100% on its own. 这绝对是可怕的 It was absolutely terrifying. 老兄 上面没有任何东西 Dude it"s not on anything either. 它不会像翻倒的样子 Like it"s not like it would like tip over. 我们试图揭穿一切 We try to debunk everything 我们花了一个半小时 so we spent well over an hour and a half 可能要花 2 个小时才能重现… maybe 2 hours trying to recreate it... 阿米兹瓜亚:哇 我的心跳得很快 Amezcua: Wow. My heart is racing right now. 我在努力想办法解释 ...Trying to come up with some kind of explanation 但我们解释不了 and we couldn"t. 阿...
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