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时间:2022-07-06 10:00:03 来源:网友投稿




  接下来在《超自然实录》中播出的是... Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... (叫) [ barking ] ……一位女士忠实的宠物提醒她,她们家有超自然的灵魂 narrator: ...A woman"s faithful pet alerts her to the presence of otherworldly spirits in their home... 当我真正看到上面的东西时,我惊呆了 When I actually saw stuff on there, I was in shock. 我当时想“天啊 她真的看到了一些东西” I was like, "oh, my god. She really did see something." ……一个从另一个维度来的身份不明的实体坠毁在拉斯维加斯… narrator: ...An unidentified entity from another realm crashes las vegas... 在我看来,它就像一只没有触角的水母 What it looked like to me was a jellyfish minus the tentacles, 就像一具漂浮的身体 just kind of, like, a floating, like, body. ……一个废弃的最高安全级别的监狱 Narrator: ...An abandoned maximum-security prison 仍然被过去的黑暗灵魂所蹂躏…… still ravaged by the dark souls of the past... 对我来说,那可能是我从未去过的 It was, to me, hands down probably the scariest place 最恐怖的地方 I"ve ever, ever been to. ……一个骑自行车的人被一个身份不明的类人伏击… Narrator: ...A bicyclist is ambushed by an unidentified humanoid... 这家伙很幸运,他在类人把他的脸撕下来之前逃脱了 This guy is lucky that he got away from it before it ripped his face off. ……北卡罗来纳州一对夫妇被鬼魂无情的纠缠… Narrator: ...The relentless haunting of a couple in north carolina... -有人吗? “有人吗?” -Hello? "-Hello?" 哦,(消音) Oh, [bleep]. 那声音比我之前听到的更大更近 It was so much louder and so much closer than what I was hearing before. 吓死我了 It scared the crap out of me. 还有更多超自然镜头,你等着你去看…

 Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see... 哦!哦! Oh! Oh! 去相信 Narrator: ...To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第二十集 被遗弃的闹鬼监狱

 Ghostly Abandoned Prisons 监狱在积极运转中时 when in active use, 里面关押的都是最恶毒的犯人 given the sometimes vicious clientele, 所以戒备森严的监狱被认为是世界上最可怕的地方之一 maximum-security prisons are some of the most frightening places in the world, 然而,有些人认为,一旦它们被永久关闭 yet there are those who believe that once they are closed down 曾经的暴♥力♥罪犯 for good and forever emptied of the violent offenders 会在监狱的大厅里游荡 that once roamed their halls, 那些监狱只会变得更加可怕 those prisons only get scarier. 在田纳西州彼得斯市的灌木丛生州立监狱 After a truly unsettling overnight experience at brushy mountain 度过了令人不安的一夜之后 state penitentiary in petros, tennessee, 有一个人肯定会得出那样的结论 one particular man would certainly make that argument. 奥马尔:哦! Omar: Oh! 案例:死囚犯 斯勒特:田纳西州灌木丛生山区监狱 slaughter: Well, the brushy mountain prison in tennessee 有一个非常黑暗和曲折的过去 has a really dark and checkered past. 自 1♥8♥9♥6 年以来,这地方一直关押着最恶劣的罪犯 Since 1♥8♥9♥6, this place has housed the worst of the worst types of criminals, 还包括著名的詹姆斯•厄尔•雷 even famously it held james earl ray,

 那个刺杀马丁•路德•金的凶手 who was the assassinator of martin luther king jr. 这些只是让你了解到什么样的人会留在那里 It just gives you insight on the types of people that would stay there. 有充分的证据证明 It was well-documented 这是你能待的最糟糕的监狱之一 that this was one of the worst prisons you could stay in 因为它是所有监狱中最严酷的 because it was the harshest of all the penitentiaries. 这个监狱里有很多暗能量 There is a lot of dark energy in this prison. 尽管它在 2009 年仁慈地永久关闭了 Narrator: And even though it mercifully shut down for good in 2009, 但暗能量吸引了奥马尔 that dark energy was what attracted omar, 一位来自佛罗里达春山的调查员 an investigator from spring hill, florida, 2017 年夏天的一个晚上,他去了现在已经废弃的监狱 to the now-abandoned prison one night during the summer of 2017. 嗨 我叫奥马尔,这是我拍的视频 Hi. My name is omar, and I filmed the video. 这里有太多的建筑可以探索 There"s just so many buildings to explore here, 这里有那么多历史,那么多闹鬼的历史 so much history, so much haunted history. 所以我和我最好的朋友詹姆斯 一起去了那座灌木丛生山区监狱 So I went into the brushy mountain prison with my best friend, james, 我们去做喜欢做的事情 and something that we like to do, 特别是当我们在像灌木丛生山区监狱这样的地方 especially when we"re in a place like brushy mountain prison, 我们会分头行动 is we"ll split up. 所以一开始我们在一起待了一会儿 So we kind of hung out a little bit at first. 他走了一条路 He went one way. 我去了另一条路 I went the other way. 如果需要我就呼叫我,兄弟

 是的,这里没有手♥机♥信♥号♥♥ Yeah, there"s no cell phone reception out here. 我们现在只能靠自己了 We are on our own as of now. 永远不要分开 这是第一原则 Kissel: Never split up. That"s rule number one. 不要分开! Do not split up! 现在没人看恐怖电影了吗? Doesn"t anyone watch horror movies anymore? 一定要和你的朋友在一起 Always stay with your friends. 詹姆斯? James? 我来给大家介绍一下死囚区 I"m gonna give you a little glimpse here of death row. 就在那儿 There it is right there. 也许奥马尔希望在他冒险走进监狱的自助餐厅时 Narrator: Perhaps omar wished james had stayed with him by the time 詹姆斯能和他在一起 he ventured into the prison"s cafeteria. 奥马尔:正前方就是自助餐厅 Omar: This is the cafeteria straight ahead. 有很多关于那家餐厅的故事 There"s been so many stories tied to that cafeteria. 我想进去看看能不能抓拍到什么 I wanted to go in there and see if I would catch something. 我什么都没听到 I wasn"t hearing anything. 我正准备离开,却听到 I get ready to leave, and I hear -- 我身后好像有什么东西在动 it sounded like something moving behind me. (刮声) [ scraping ] 我转过身,当然,那声音听起来像金属 I turn around, and, of course, it sounded like some metal, 我看到我面前的这把椅子移♥动♥了 and I see this chair right in front of me move. 那是什么声音?

 What the [bleep] was that? 哦! Oh! 卡诺:在自助餐厅,每个人都挨得很近 Cano: In the cafeteria, everyone is close together. 他们在吃他们的食物 They"re eating their food. 他们过着日常的生活 They"re going about their daily routines, 随着时间的推移,这会留下印记 and this is going to leave an imprint over time, 就像例行公事 just the same routine, 同样的动作一遍又一遍 the same actions over and over and over, 再说一次,这是一个监狱 and again, this is a prison, 所以如果发生打斗或骚乱 so if something like a fight or a riot broke out, 这就加大了鬼魂出没的可能性 that would intensify the chances for a haunting. 我走近一点去调查 I get a little closer to investigate, 我让它再动一次 and I ask it to move again. 再搬一下这把椅子 Move this chair again. 什么都没发生,所以,当然 Nothing"s happening, so, of course, 我准备离开 I get ready to walk away. 好吧,我觉得这是在骗点击量 All right, I think it was clickbait. 哦!哦! Oh! Oh! 我跑得太快了 I ran out of there so quick. 当椅子开始自己移♥动♥时 When chairs start moving around on their own, 你肯定会被吓到的 you"re obviously gonna get a little freaked out.

 奥马尔:哦!哦! Omar: Oh! Oh! 斯考曼:移♥动♥的椅子上没有绳子 Sceurman: There were no strings attached to the chairs that were moving around. 我是说,这是显而易见的 I mean, that was kind of obvious 因为它们向各个方向移♥动♥ because they were moving in all different directions. 奥马尔:哦! Omar: Oh! 周围没有其他人 And nobody else was around him. 我是说,你知道 I mean, you know, this -- 这监狱不是为度假而建的 prisons weren"t built for a resort. 它们是为惩罚而生的 They were built for punishment. 奥马尔:哦!哦! Omar: Oh! Oh! 像这样充满仇恨和压力的建筑 Buildings like this that housed hatred and stressful environments, 就像,会创造这种东西 like, it creates this, like, 它需要从恐惧中汲取养分 flourish that it needs to feed off of fear 为了那些能量继续显化而憎恨 and hatred in order for those energies to keep manifesting. 所以当你有很多像这样的负面萦绕时 So when you have a lot of negative haunts like that, 建筑会变得渴望更多的消极能量 buildings become hungry for more negativity. 你肯定不想待在一个充满消极情绪的地方 You don"t want to be in a place that feeds off of negativity, 监狱往往就是这样的地方 and prisons tend to be those types of places. 但当奥马尔移♥动♥到一个特定的牢房♥区之后 narrator: But it was only when omar migrated to a specific cellblock 他遇到了今晚最大的惊喜 that he encountered his biggest surprise of the night. 奥马尔:有很多鬼故事都和这座灌木丛生山区监狱有关

 Omar: There"s so many haunted stories tied to the brushy mountain prison. 让我大吃一惊的是七侠的故事 One that caught me by surprise was of the magnificent seven, 那是一个帮派 which was a gang. 据说这伙人劫持了四名警卫 Supposedly this gang took four guards hostage, 他们最终开枪射击 and they ended up shooting about, 我想说,七八个非洲裔美国人 I want to say, like, seven or eight african-americans, 其中两个人死了 two of which who died. 现在,如果你走进这个监狱 Now, if you go inside of this prison cellblock, 前两个,死了的那两个,他们都叫詹姆斯 the very first two, the ones that died, they"re -- both of their names are james. 人们常说的一个故事是如果你留下一支烟 One of the stories that people say is that if you leave a cigarette 因为詹姆斯,第二个被杀的囚犯 because james, the second prison inmate that was killed, 被七侠所枪杀 shot and killed by the magnificent seven, 你可以亲眼看到有人抽烟 you can actually see and witness a cigarette being smoked. 现在,我试着检验一下 Now, I tried to put this to the test. 詹姆斯,来吧,吸一口 James, go ahead and take a giant puff 让我知道你在我身边… and let me know that you"re here with me and... (喘息) [ gasps ] 现在,你可以看到香烟被吸出来 now, you can actually see the cigarette getting puffed, 我自己在家也试过,没用 and I tried this myself at home, and it didn"t work. 我把烟放下,心想 I put the cigarette down, and I thought 如果我把灯关了,我用力吹气 if I turned the lights off I could blow on the head

 看烟会不会点起来,但什么也没发生 and it would light up, but it didn"t. 很明显,这里你可以看到烟被吸进去了 Clearly this one, you could see it actually getting sucked in, 而不是,吹得到处都是 not just, like, you know, blowing all over the place. 卡诺:事情发生后 Cano: Immediately after it happened, 他咔哒一声把灯打开 he clicked his light on 这样我们就能证实牢房♥里没有人 so we could verify that there was no one in the cell. 香烟周围没有人 There was no one around the cigare...