接下来在《超自然实录》中播出的是 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... [rem 机发出哔哔声] [ rem pod beeps ] 树林中的鬼屋受到袭击 ...A haunted cabin in the woods attacks. 兄弟,你背上有抓痕 拥有那间小屋的家庭 The family that owns that cabin 有理由相信那间小屋是被诅咒的 legitimately believes that that cabin is cursed. 可怕的声音充满了世界各地的天空 Narrator: Horrifying noises fill the sky all around the world. [遥远的尖叫] [ distant screeching ] 这种现象令人难以置信的不安 this phenomena is incredibly unsettling. 它击中了我的核心 It strikes at my core. 一个幽灵恐吓一个家庭 Narrator: An apparition terrorizes a family. 女人:[哔哔]离开这里 Woman:
Get the [bleep] out of here. 海耶斯:幽灵看起来就像是 Hayes: Well, the apparition looked like something “捉鬼敢死队”中的怪物 straight out of "ghostbusters." 它在流动 it was flowing. 它看起来像是在水下 It looked like it was underwater. 这是亨利八世国王愤怒后的受害者吗? Narrator: Is this a victim of king henry viii"s wrath? 马龙:如果这是一个幽灵 Maron: If this is a ghost, 那是我见过的最好的幽灵图像之一 one of the best image captures of a ghost I"ve ever seen. 还有更多超自然镜头等着你 Narrator: And even more paranormal footage 去看到...
you have to see... 啊,利奥沙,快跑!
去相信 ...To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第二十二集 大脚怪追逐战 Chased by a Bigfoot 树林里的小屋 the cabin in the woods. [猫头鹰叫] [ owl hoots ] 有句话在讲述可怕的现实生活故事时 the phrase has become something of a trope 已成为某种比喻 in the telling of terrifying real-life stories. 因为有充分的理由相信 And for good reason. 树林中的小屋可以是黑暗、僻静和空旷的 Cabins in the woods can be dark, secluded, and empty, 这是发生怪异和超自然事件的完美秘诀 a perfect recipe for spooky and paranormal events. 注意看那典型的闹鬼小屋 Behold, the quintessential haunted cabin. 当这支猎鬼队勇于调查的时候
... When this ghost-hunting team dared to investigate... [rem 机发出哔哔声] [ rem pod beeps ] 一名成员遇到了如此邪恶的事情 ... ...One member encountered something so evil... 我背上有东西 . 他受到了攻击 ...He came under attack. 兄弟,你背上有抓痕 案例:地狱小屋 2018 年 9 月,在西弗吉尼亚州的偏远地区... in September 2018, in the backwoods of west virginia... 女:哇!
Woman: Whoa! 莱恩·扎赫尔 ...Ryan zacherl and the rest of the team
和“超自然任务”团队的其他成员 from "paranormal quest" 调查了一个有着黑暗历史的偏远小屋 investigated a remote cabin with a dark history. 所以,我们正准备进入小屋 So, we are getting ready to go into the cabin. 我的名字是莱恩·扎赫尔,我拍摄了这个视频 My name is ryan zacherl, and I filmed this video. 小屋实际上成为了“超自然探索”的一个案例 The cabin actually became a case for "paranormal quest" 因为我们的共同创建者 because dave gear, 和调查员之一戴夫盖亚-- one of our co-creators and investigators -- 他实际上在大约十年前 he actually had investigated there 和他的妈妈一起调查过那里 about a decade ago with his mom. 戴夫的妈妈:那是邪恶的房♥间 Dave"s mom: That was the evil room there. 这是他们举♥行♥所有葬礼的房♥间,不是吗? It"s the room that they had all the funerals in, isn"t it? 是的 Yeah. 他们不仅经历了一些影子人 Not only did they experience some shadow figures, 还有一些他们所说的 some disembodied voices 绝对令人毛骨悚然的无形声音 that they said were absolutely chilling, 而且他们也有过多次经历 but they also had multiple experiences 他们认为这间小屋 where they believed that the cabin was 不仅是想把他们赶走 not only trying to drive them away, 而且还在这间小屋里积极地想要杀死他们 but was actively trying to kill them inside this cabin. 这就是对这间小屋的印象之一 that"s one of the claims of this cabin, 业主和去过那里调查过的人都认为
is the owners and people who have been there and investigated 这间小屋的诅咒是 believe that the curse on this cabin 任何试图住在那里或留在那里的人 is that anyone that attempts to live there or stay there 都会患上某种疾病 will have some sort of health problem, 都会发生某种事故 will have some sort of accident, 或者将遇到某种可怕的情况 or will have some sort of dire situation 使他们的生命处于危险之中 in which their life is in jeopardy. 拥有那间小屋的家庭有理由相信 The family that owns that cabin legitimately believes 那间小屋是被诅咒的 that that cabin is cursed. 有这么多家人 They"ve had so many family members 和这么多朋友住在那个小屋里 and so many friends who have lived in that cabin, 然后不久就死了 and then shortly after died, 他们自己 that they themselves are terrified 都害怕进去 to even go inside of it. 但是,究竟为什么它会被诅咒? Narrator: But why, exactly, is it cursed? 扎赫尔:主人的祖母和祖父在世纪之交后不久 Zacherl: The owner"s grandmother and grandfather built that cabin 即 19 世纪和 20 世纪之间 shortly after the turn of the century, 建造了那间小屋 between the 19th and the 20th century. 他们使用了小屋 And they used the actual lumber from that land 所在土地上的木材 that the cabin sits on. 他们砍掉了木材,他们用那块土地自己建造了小屋 They cut it down, they built it themselves out of that land.
他们认为,对于多年前居住在那里的 They believe that that was some sort of sacred land 美洲原住民部落来说,那里是某种圣地 for a native american tribe that lived there years ago. 他们认为,在那片土地上 And they believe that cutting down the timber 砍伐木材并建造小屋的行为 and building that cabin on that land 可能会引发居住在那里的家庭 could have started some sort of anger or animosity 和曾经居住在这片土地上的 between the family that lives there 部落的灵魂之间的某种愤怒或仇恨 and the spirits of this tribe that used to live on this land. 这就是为什么“超自然任务”团队 Narrator: Which is why the "paranormal quest" team 决定亲自调查诅咒的原因 decided to investigate the curse for themselves. 你是美洲原住民,这是你的土地 Are you native american and this was your land, 你的墓地吗? your burial ground? 在最初的几个小时里 Over the first several hours, 这群人从脚步声中经历了有限的 the group experienced limited paranormal activity, 超自然活动
... from footsteps.... 脚步声 -那是什么? -脚步声 -What was that? -Footsteps. ... 莫名的喃喃自语 Narrator: ...To unexplained mumbling. 你是切诺基部落的吗? Are you from the cherokee tribe? 咕哝 两人:那是什么? Both: What was that? 所以,你把 rem 机放在床上 So, you got the rem pod right there on the bed. 然后他们拿出 rem 机
Narrator: Then they pulled out the rem pod, 这是一种辐射自身电磁场的设备 a device that radiates its own electro-magnetic field, 可以更容易地检测实体的存在 making it easier to detect the presence of entities. 你现在在这儿吗? Are you here now? [rem 机哔哔声] [ rem pod beeps ] 你来了 there you are. 它的反应出乎意料 Narrator: And its reaction was off the charts. 立即后退!
Back up now! [哔哔] [bleep]. 他们的房♥间里有东西 Something was in the room with them. 它很强大 And it was powerful. [rem 机哔哔声] [ rem pod beeping ] 请注意屏幕左侧的 keep your eyes on group member jason 小组成员杰森 on the left side of the screen. [哔哔] [bleep]. m 机不规律地发出哔哔声] [ rem pod beeps erratically ] [哔哔声] [bleep]. 我背上有东西 一个虫子从我身上下来 你的背上有划痕 There"s scratch marks on your back. 你是--[哔哔] You"re -- [bleep]. 瑞恩,过来伙计 Ryan, get over here, dude.
你想看这个吗 杰森被抓伤了
... Jason has been scratched... 女人:哦,是的
... . 三道痕 Woman: Oh, my, yeah.....Three times. 一二三 One, two, three. 扎赫尔:杰森被抓伤的经历 Zacherl: The experience where jason was scratched 可能会伴随我们很长时间 is probably one that is going to stick with us for a long time. 我认为我们中的任何人都没有预料到会发生这种情况 I don"t think any of us expected that to happen. 当我发现他的背上有这些划痕时 I could see just the shock on his face 我可以看到他脸上的震惊 to find out that he had these scratch marks on his back. [呻♥吟♥,大笑] [ groans, laughs ] 我认为这让我更加不安 and I think that was a little bit more unsettling to me 因为我知道他是多么担心自己的安全 knowing how concerned he was for his own safety. 我非常诚实的说,这让我有点震惊 I"m being completely honest, that shakes me up a little bit. 扎赫尔:也许也影响了我 Zacherl: And maybe also influenced how concerned 对自己安全的担忧 I thought we should have been for our own safety. 因此,人们在调查中发现 So, it"s really common on investigations for people 抓痕或标记非常普遍 to find scratches or markings on them. 通常,抓痕是三次为一组 Usually, they come in threes, 很多人倾向于认为 and a lot of people tend to believe 当某事三次为一组出现时 that when something comes in threes, 这代表了恶魔实体的标志 it is a sign of a demonic entity
因为它是在嘲弄神圣的三位一体 because it"s mocking the holy trinity. 但如果这是恶魔的杰作 Narrator: But if this is, in fact, the work of a demon, 为什么它只追逐杰森? why go after jason? 当你进入一个 When you go into a place 经历过很多创伤历史的地方 that has seen a lot of traumatic history 作为一名调查员 and you bring this very aggressive energy 你会带来这种极具侵略性的能量
... in with you as an investigator... 请停止 Please stop. .您正在向这些类型的闹鬼互动敞开心扉 ...You are opening yourself up to these types of interactions, 这很有趣 and it"s funny because 因为被抓伤的总是胆小的观察者 it"s the timid observer that gets scratched. 很多时候,发生这种情况 And a lot of the times, this happens because 是因为能量体害怕对抗者 the energies are fearful of the antagonizer 害怕对它们有攻击性 and this person that has the aggressive attitude 态度的人 towards them. 立即后退!
Back up now! 但如果它想灌输恐惧或要求人们离开 But they want to instill fear or ask them to leave, in a way, 在某种程度上,他们会针对群体中 by targeting the person that"s considered most timid 被认为最胆小或最弱的人进行攻击 or weaker in the group. 抓挠足以让团队相信 narrator: The scratching was enough to convince the team 是时候离开了
that it was time to go. 好吧,好吧,我想这意味着 Alright, well, I guess that means we"re officially done 我们正式完成了对小屋的调查 with this investigation of the cabin. 就在这时,队员蕾妮突然有了一个 Narrator: And that"s when team member renee suddenly made 惊人的发现 a startling discovery. 扎赫尔:这是什么? Zacherl: What is this? 那是我们在地下室最终完成拍摄时 That is the coin that ended up in my left pocket 出现在我左边口袋里的硬币 when we were finished filming in the basement. 扎赫尔:我们正在收拾行李准备离开 Zacherl: We were packing up to leave. 她把手伸进口袋 She reached into her pocket, 这才发现,在过去两个小时的某个时间点 and that ...
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