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时间:2022-07-07 20:25:02 来源:网友投稿





 Abbreviations Executive summary

 1 1 Introduction

 7 2 Quality infrastructure and the green economy

 10 2.1 Quality infrastructure: a system of interrelated services

 10 2.2 The importance of NQI systems in the transition towards green economies

 13 3 Past trends in green technology development: a patent data perspective

 18 3.1 Using patents to assess trends in green innovation

 19 3.2 Green patenting activity by technological domain

 22 3.3 Green patenting by countries

 32 3.4 Summary

 48 4 Expected trends in the transition to a green economy and implications for QI

 50 4.1 Research design

 51 4.2 Trends in green technologies: deployment and domestic capabilities

 55 4.2.1 Emerging economies

 58 4.2.2 Developing countries

 64 4.3 Summary on future market trends and domestic capabilities

 71 4.4 Implications for QI investments

 73 4.4.1 Sophistication of the QI system

 74 4.4.2 Needed QI system improvements

 83 4.5 Summary on QI implications

 89 5 Case studies of transition to a green economy and implications for QI

 91 5.1 India

 93 5.1.1 The NQI system


 5.1.2 Air pollution

 101 5.1.3 Energy efficiency

 in buildings

 104 5.1.4 Sustainable transportation

 109 5.1.5 Solid waste management

 113 5.1.6 Overall implications for NQI interventions

 115 5.2 Morocco

 119 5.2.1 The NQI system

 120 5.2.2 Renewable energy systems – focus on solar energy

 127 5.2.3 Energy efficiency

 in buildings

 130 5.2.4 Solid waste management

 133 5.2.5 Sustainable transportation

 136 5.2.6 Water management

 138 5.2.7 Overall implications for NQI interventions

 140 5.3 Ethiopia

 144 5.3.1 The NQI system

 146 5.3.2 Renewable energy systems

 149 5.3.3 Sustainable transportation – focus on rail-bound passenger and freight transport

 155 5.3.4 Solid waste management

 157 5.3.5 Sustainable agriculture and land management

 159 5.3.6 Overall implications for NQI interventions

 160 5.4 Comparative perspectives

 165 5.4.1 QI capabilities for the transition to a green economy

 165 5.4.2 QI capabilities for spe cific

 green technology sectors

 167 6 Key findings

 and implications for quality infrastructure in developing and emerging economies

 171 6.1 Market trends and QI implications

 172 6.2 Recommendations for QI development

 173 Bibliography

 177 Appendix



 Box 1: Insights into other aspects of the transition to a green economy

 70 Box 2: Trends in environmental regulations and standards 87 Box 3: Off-grid options for electricity access 153 Figures

  Figure 1: Number of green patents by year, 1975-2017, all countries 23 Figure 2: Green technology classes by number of patents and AAGR, 1975-2015

 33 Figure 3: Average number of all green patents by year (t; t-3), by country (leaders)

 37 Figure 4: Average number of green patents by year (t; t-3), by group of countries

 39 Figure 5: Average number of green patents by year (t; t-3) in emerging countries (excluding China)

 40 Figure 6: Mixed methods approach 52 Figure 7: Research design for Phase 2 – the Delphi surveys 54 Figure 8: The degree of sophistication of green technology families 56 Figure 9: Expected trends in market development for selected green technologies in emerging economies

 59 Figure 10: Level of domestic value added and technological capabilities to be provided in emerging economies by 2030

  60 Figure 11: Expected trends in market development for selected green technologies in developing countries

 65 Figure 12: Level of domestic value added and technological capabilities to be provided in developing countries by 2030

  66 Tables

  Table 1: NQI services and associated institutions 12 Table 2: Categorisation of green technologies used in this study 14 Table 3: Green technology classes 21 Table 4: Number of green patents by aggregate technological class, all countries

 24 Table 5: Top 10 green technological domains in terms of total number of patents, 1975-2017, all countries


 Table 6: Green patents by selected classes in selected years as per cent of total patents in each year

 28 Table 7: Fastest growing green technological classes (classes with an above-average AAGR)

 30 Table 8: Green technology classes by rates of growth in innovation and number of patents (condensed version), 1975-2015

  34 Table 9: Top green patenting countries – cumulative number of patents, 1975-2017, World

 36 Table 10: Top green patenting emerging countries (number of patents and per cent of total)

 38 Table 11: Average number of green patents backward and forward citations per country (emerging and leaders)

 41 Table 12: The most prolific

 green patent classes in selected emerging countries (number of patents)

 43 Table 13: Levels of technology sophistication and QI for various green technologies

 75 Table 14: Speed of market development in emerging economies and the sophistication of QI for selected green technologies

  78 Table 15: Speed of market development in developing countries and the sophistication of QI for selected green technologies

  81 Table 16: “Prioritisation” of improvement needs in the NQI system for a country that mainly imports the technology (number of responses)

  85 Table 17: “Prioritisation” of improvement needs in the NQI system for a country that develops most technology components locally (number of responses)

  86 Table 18: Sectors examined in the three country case studies 93 Table 19: Suggested road map for sector-level QI interventions 171

 Appendix Tables Table A1: CPC-selected codes in the Y class of green technology

  patents 192 Table A2: Technology survey – Delphi survey, Round 2 195 Table A3: List of interviewed organisations 198


 AADR Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway AAGR average annual growth rate AAIT Addis Ababa Institute of Technology AALRT Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit ACMA Automotive Components Manufacturers Association (India) AETDPD Alternative Energy Technology Development and Promotion Directorate (Ethiopia) AFD French Development Agency / Agence Française de Développement AFRIMETS Intra-Africa Metrology System / Système Intra-Africain de Métrologie AMEE Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency

 / Agence Marocaine pour l’Efficacité

 Energétique ARAC Arab Accreditation Cooperation ARAI Automotive Research Association of India ATA Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency

 (India) BIS Bureau of Indian Standards BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany) / Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung BRT bus rapid transit CCECC China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation CEEW Council on Energy, Environment and Water (India) CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization / Comitato europeo di normazione elettrotecnica CEREP Center for Studies and Research on the Environment and Pollution (Morocco) / Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur l’Environnement et la Pollution CETEMCO Center for Building Techniques and Materials (Morocco) / Centre des Techniques et Matériaux de Construction

 CII Confederation of Indian Industry CGEM General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises / Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc COMAC National Committee for Accreditation (Morocco) / Comité Marocain d’Accréditation CPC Cooperative Patent Classification CPCB Central Pollution Control Board (India) CREC China Railway Group Limited CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy (Ethiopia) CSE Centre for Science and Environment (India) CSIR Council of Scientifi c and Industrial Research (India) CSNCA High Council for Standardization, Certification,

 Accreditation and Promotion of Quality (Morocco) / Conseil Supérieur de Normalisation, de Certification

 et d’Accréditation et de la Promotion de la Qualité CTM Lydec’s Technical Centre for Metrology (Morocco) / Centre Technique de Métrologie de la Lydec DCEM Department for Water Quality Assurance (Morocco) / Direction du Controle de la Qualité des Eaux DIE German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik DPCSMQ Department for Consumer Protection, Market and Quality Assessment (Morocco) / Direction de la Protection du Consommateur, de la Surveillance du Marché et de la Qualité ECAE Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code (India) ECBP Engineering Capacity Building Program (Ethiopia) EDS Environmental Design Solutions (India) EEP Ethiopian Electric Power EESL Energy Efficiency

 Services Limited (India) ENAO Ethiopian National Accreditation Office

 ENIM Rabat School of Mines (Morocco) / École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat

 EPC engineering, procurement and construction EPO European Patent O ffice

 ERA Ethiopian Railway Academy ERC Ethiopian Railways Corporation ESA Ethiopian Standards Agency EV electric vehicle FAME Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (India) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FDI foreign direct investment GDP gross domestic product GERD Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam GHG greenhouse gas GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GoE Government of Ethiopia GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (India) GTP Growth and Transformation Plan (Ethiopia) GVCs Global value chains GW gigawatt HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning IAF International Accreditation Forum IAIP integrated agro-industrial park ICE internal combustion engine ICS improved cookstove ICT information and communications technology IEA International Energy Agency IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IIT Indian Institute of Technology ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation

 IMANOR National Institute for Standards (Morocco) / Institut Marocain de Normalisation INSS Indian National Strategy for Standardization IRESEN Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energy Technologies (Morocco) / Institut de Recherche en Énergie Solaire et Énergies Nouvelles ISO International Organization for Standardization L2MI Moroccan Laboratory for Industrial Metrology / Laboratoire Marocain de Métrologie Industrielle LG Lighting Global LNM National Metrology Laboratory (Morocco) / Laboratoire National de Mé...