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  UNIT 6 I"m going to study computer science. Section A (1a-3c)

 核心单词 1. ________n. 厨师 v. 烹饪;煮

 2. ________n. 医生 3. ________n. 工程师

  4. ________n. 小提琴手 5. ________n. 驾驶员;司机

  6. ________n. 飞行员

 7. ________n. 钢琴家

  8. ________n. 科学家 9. ________n. 大学;高等专科学校

  10. ______________n. (综合性)大学 11. ______________n. 教育

  12. ________n. 药;医学

 13. ________伦敦

  14. ________n. 文章;论文 15. ________v. 邮寄;发送 单词变形 1. cook—________(n. 厨具)

  2. violinist—________(n. 小提琴) 3. driver—________(v. )—________ (过去式)

  4. pianist—________(n. 钢琴) 5. scientist—________(名词)

  6. medicine—________(adj. ) 7. send—________(过去式)—________(过去分词)

  8. move—________ (adj. 受感动的) 9. programmer—________ (n. 节目;程序) 10. education—________ (v. )—__________________ (adj. 有教育意义的) 核心短语 1. __________________长大;成熟 2. __________________确信;对……有把握→ ____________________一定会做某事 3. __________________确保;查明→______________/____________确保;设法保证 4. __________________继续→__________继续做某事→________________坚持做某事 5. __________________计算机程序设计员

  6. __________擅长于 7. __________________/________________/________________上表演课/ 声乐课 / 游泳课 8. __________________搬迁到某地……

  9. ____________________一名赛车手 10. __________________ / __________讲故事 /写故事

  11. ____________________尽某人所能做某事 12. ____________________上完高中;中学毕业 13. ____________________上一所烹饪学校 14. __________________把某物送给某人 15. ________________________/ ________________________学医/教育学 重点句型 1. What do you ________________________ when you____________?

 你长大了想成为什么? 2. I want________________________________. 我想成为一名工程师。

 3. ________ are you ________________________________?你将如何做到? 4. I am going to ________ articles and ________________ to________ and ________.


 5. ________ are you going to________?你将到哪里工作? 6. Just ________________ you ________________________. Then you can ________________ ________________!只要你确信你尽力了,那么你就能成为你想成为的那种人!

 7. ________________________ what they ________________.


 UNIT 6 I"m going to study computer science. Section A (1a-3c) 核心单词 1. cook 2. doctor 3. engineer 4. violinist 5. driver 6. pilot 7. pianist 8. scientist 9. college 10. university 11. education 12. medicine 13. London 14. article 15. send 单词变形 1. cooker 2. violin 3. drive; drove 4. piano 5. science 6. medical 7. sent; sent 8. moved 9. program 10. educate; educational 核心短语 1. grow up 2. be sure about; be sure to do sth. 3. make sure; make sure that; make sure of 4. keep on; keep on doing sth.; keep doing sth. 5. computer programmer 6. be good at 7. take acting lessons; take singing lessons; take swimming lessons

  8. move to someplace 9. a race car driver 10. tell stories; write stories 11. try sb."s best to do sth. 12. finish high school 13. go to a cooking school 14. send sth. to sb. 15. study medicine; study education 重点句型 1. want to be; grow up 2. to be an engineer 3. How; going to do that 4. write; send them; magazines; newspapers 5. Where; work 6. make sure; try your best; be anything you want 7. Not everyone knows; want to be

 Section B (1a-Self Check)

 核心单词 1. __________n. 决心;决定

 2. __________n. 队;组 3. __________n. 诺言 v. 承诺

  4. __________n. 开头;开端 5. __________n. 自我提高

  6. __________n. 业余爱好 7. __________n. 学校作业;功课

  8. __________n. 意义;意思 9. __________n. 关系;联系

  10. ________adj. & pron. 自己的;本人的 11. __________adj. 身体的

  12. __________adj. 外国的 13. __________adj. 能够

  14. __________adj. 个人的;私人的 15. __________adj. & adv. 每周的(地)

  16. __________ pron. 他(她,它)们自己 17. __________v. 用颜料画;在……上刷油漆

 18. __________ v. 表示疑问;提问

 19. __________v. 改进;改善

  20. ________v. 讨论;商量 单词变形 1. foreign —________ (n. 外国人) 2. beginning—________(v. )—________ (过去式) 3. improve—________ (n. )

  4. physical—________(形近词 n. 物理)

  5. hobby—________(复数) 6. paint—________(n. 绘画;油画)—________(n. 画家) 7. weekly—________(n. ) 8. own—________(n. 主人)________(v. 拥有) 9. personal—________(n. )

  10. discuss—________(n. 讨论) 11. able—________(反义词)—________(n. 能力) 核心短语 1. __________________成为足球队的一员

  2. __________________能够做某事 3. __________________学习/学会做某事

  4. __________________在……开始 5. __________________写下;记录下

 6. __________________关于;与……有关系 7. __________________开始(学)做……

 8. __________________制订(新年)决心 9. __________________恪守承诺

  10. __________________违反承诺 11. __________________许诺做某事

  12. __________________向某人承诺 13. ________________找到时间做某事

  14. ________________________使……成为一个更好的人 15. ____________________________关于某人自己的个人提升

  16. __________________另外一种外语 17. __________________不适合某人

  18. __________________身体健康 19. __________________为……制订周计划

  20. __________________提升/改进我们的生活 21. __________________由于这个原因

  22. __________________太难坚持

  23. __________________一个做某事的时机

  24. __________________有……共同之处

 重点句型 1. Sometimes the ________ may be ________________________________.


 2. The first resolution is about ________________________________.


 3. Resolutions are ________________ yourself. They may help to ________ you a ____________ and to make your life easier. 决心就是对你自己的承诺。它们可能会帮你成为一个更优秀的人并且使你的生活更容易。

 4. Some resolutions ____________ better ________, like________ a _____________ schoolwork. 一些决心与合理规划有关,比如制订每周的学习计划。

 5. Some people might say they are going to __________ a ________ like ________ or ____________.


  Section B (1a-Self Check) 核心单词 1. resolution 2. team 3. promise 4. beginning 5. self-improvement 6. hobby

 7. schoolwork 8. meaning 9. relationship 10. own 11. physical 12. foreign 13. able 14. personal 15. weekly 16. themselves 17. paint 18. question 19. improve 20. discuss 单词变形 1. foreigner 2. begin; began 3. improvement 4. physics 5. hobbies 6. painting; painter 7. week 8. owner; own 9. person 10. discussion 11. unable; ability 核心短语 1. make the soccer team 2. be able to do sth. 3. learn to do sth. 4. at the beginning / start of 5. write down 6. have to do with 7. take up (doing) sth. 8. make (New Year"s) resolutions 9. keep one"s promise 10. break one"s promise 11. make promises to do sth. 12. make promises to sb.

  13. find time to do sth. 14. make sb. a better person 15. about sb."s own personal improvement 16. another foreign language 17. be not for sb. 18. physical health 19. make a weekly plan for sth. 20. improve our lives 21. for this reason 22. too difficult to keep 23. a time for doing sth. 24. have…in common 重点句型 1. resolutions; too difficult to keep 2. my own personal improvement 3. promises to; make; better person 4. have to do with; planning; making ; weekly plan for 5. take up; hobby; painting; taking photos

推荐访问:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6听写手册 听写 上册 英语
