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时间:2022-07-17 18:05:03 来源:网友投稿





 - 海港站!

 My God, it"s huge! - Harbor stations! 海港站!

 - 他们终于来了 - Harbor stations! - They"re finally here. 你发烧了 You have a fever. 我没事 不用担心 I"m fine. Don"t worry about it. 我把贝克的论文放在我们的投递箱里 阅读它们 I put Beck"s papers in our drop. Read them. 如果他说的是真话... - 如果他说的是真话 - If he"s telling the truth... - If he is. 这意味着德国没有 wolfram, That means no wolfram for Germany, 这意味着提前一年或更长时间结束战争 which means ending the war a year or more early. 你能说我们一起度过了一个晚上吗? Could you say we spent the evening together? 如果你来我家,我不会完全撒谎 I wouldn"t be completely lying if you came to my place. 外交官的妻子不需要什么都知道 A diplomat"s wife needn"t know everything. 你突然飞到德国,不想告诉我为什么 You fly to Germany unannounced and don"t want to tell me why. 里斯本的一个熟人给了我这个 An acquaintance in Lisbon gave me this. 你从哪里得到这个? Where did you get this? 当我从柏林回来时,我将再次住在家里 When I come back from Berlin I"ll live at home again 你将继续做我的妻子 and you"ll continue to be my wife. 我是你的朋友 一个你绝对可以信任的人 I am your friend. Someone you can absolutely trust. 威利受伤了!

 Willi"s injured! 把他带到甲板下,找一个替补 Get him below deck and get a replacement. 保利!


 保利 保利 Pauli. Pauli. 保利 保利!

 Pauli. Pauli! 妈的!

 - 你还好吗? - Shit! - You okay? 他亲了我!

 He snogged me! 这些德国人看起来很奇怪 These Germans look strange. 就像他们来自火星一样 It"s like they"re from Mars. 不 No. 你的脑袋 肿块 它在流血 Your head. A lump. It"s bleeding. 他在胡说八道什么呢? What"s he babbling about? 你的脑袋 你的头,保利 你的脑袋 Your head. Your head, Pauli. Your head. 我们会带你去你的船 We"ll take you to your boat. 到船? 你能带我们上船吗? To the boat? Can you bring us to the boat? 那里,那里,到船上 There, there, to the boat. 在那边!

 Over there! 我们在那里 We"re there. 穆勒!


 Müller! Weidner! 感谢上帝!

 你做到了 Thank God! You made it. 我们看到你们俩都过火了 We saw you both go overboard. 哈里救了我 Harri saved me. 日本人救了我们 And the Japs saved us. 到甲板下!


 Get below deck! 让别人看看那个伤口 Have someone look at that wound. 我想从士官那里得到一份完整的报告 I want a full report from the petty officer. 先生,这不是他的错 It wasn"t his fault, sir. 他只是听从命令,确保货物安全 He just followed orders and secured the cargo. 我不服从命令,追着泡利进去 I disobeyed orders and went in after Pauli. 好吧,现在到甲板下 All right, now get below deck. 起风了!

 The wind is picking up! 和你一样 动起来!

 As you were. Get moving! 懦夫威利在哪里? 这通常是厨师的工作 Where is Willy the Wimp? This is usually the cook"s job. 他受伤了 He"s injured. 你的哮喘怎么样,哈里? How"s your asthma, Harri? 它不见了 It"s gone. 这就是我所说的自我修复 That"s what I call self-healing. 下来!

 Coming down! 迈尔约翰!

 Meierjohann! 是的 Yes. 监督机舱舱底黄金的存放 Supervise the stowing of the gold in the engine room bilge. 是的,是的,先生 Aye, aye, sir. 还有,小官…… And, Petty Officer... 永远不要把我的一个人留在外面 Never leave one of my men out there

 无论订单是什么 no matter what the orders are. 你很幸运这些下水道老鼠没有提出投诉 You"re lucky these sewer rats aren"t filing a complaint. 明白了吗? Understood? 是的,局长 Yes, Chief. 克雷默!

 Cremer! 来自指挥部的消息 Message from Command HQ. 我们要把黄金带回帝国吗? Are we to take the gold back to the Reich? 我们祝愿 旅程还在继续 We wish. The journey continues. 我们正在等待确切的订单, We"re waiting for exact orders, 但我们将在两天后 0500 到达网格上的这个广场 but we"re to be in this square on the grid in two days at 0500. 新课程:

 New course: 葡萄牙 Portugal. 晚上好,格鲁伯夫人

 - 晚上好,玛丽亚 Good evening, Mrs Gruber. - Good evening, Maria. 新书?

 - 他们是为了签名 - New books? - They"re for a book signing. 我们在报纸上分发传♥单♥和广♥告♥ We"re distributing flyers and advertising in papers. 格鲁伯先生给出了非常具体的指示 Mr Gruber gave very specific instructions. 不要害怕深海 威廉·霍夫曼船长,RETD DON"T FEAR THE DEPTHS BY CAPTAIN WILHELM HOFFMANN, RETD 你最好是对的 储物柜在哪里? You better be right about this. Where"s the locker? 在那边 Over there. 你认得那个人吗? Do you recognize that guy? 不

 No. 你坐稳了 密切关注它 You sit tight. Keep an eye on it. 你和我在一起 You"re with me. 你对此有什么了解? What do you know about this? 他是来演讲的 He"s coming to give a talk. 让我们看看德国海军上将是否和英国海军上将一样无聊 Let"s see if the German admiral is as boring as the British one. 你不知道吗?

 - 不 - You didn"t know about it? - No. 他为什么对我隐瞒? Why did he keep it secret from me? 他的行为不正常 我不喜欢他走了 He"s behaving erratically. I don"t like that he went away. 也许你可能会喜欢它 Maybe there is something about it you might like. 那你是什么? 开源软件? So what are you? OSS? 然后是海军情报 Naval Intelligence then. 你带霍夫曼来这里见他父亲 做什么的? You brought Hoffman here to meet his father. What for? 他告诉你了吗? Did he tell you that? 我听到你了 还会是谁? I heard you. Who else would it be? 你说的对 You"re right. 我用 Gruber 在这里找到了 Hoffmann Senior I used Gruber to get Hoffmann Senior here. 一个男人在被暴露为基佬时会做什么令人惊讶 Amazing what a guy will do when being exposed as a fag 可以把你扔进集中营 can get you thrown into a concentration camp. 所以他父亲来了,然后呢? So his father gets here, then what? 战争已结束 The war is over.

 而且,伙计,你输了 And, buddy, you lost. 不是如果,而是何时以及如何的问题 Not if, it"s a question of when and how. 这就是为什么这取决于双方尊敬的军人 Which is why it"s up to honorable servicemen on both sides 快速而干净地结束这种分心 to end this distraction quickly and cleanly. 分心? 从何而来? Distraction? From what? 来自真正的敌人 From the real enemy. 就在我们说话的时候,那个在东方踢你屁♥股♥的人 The one kicking your ass in the East even as we speak. 也许你不知道真正发生了什么 Maybe you don"t know what"s really going on. 斯大林叔叔建立自己的帝国,而我们做什么? Uncle Stalin builds himself an empire while we do what? 全面战争? 无条件投降? 那都是胡说八道 Total war? Unconditional surrender? That"s all bullshit. 如果你说的真话可以挽救数百万人的生命 If you"re telling the truth that could save millions of lives. 那个怎么样? How about that? 我要进去了我需要你马上翻译文件 I"m going in. I need you to translate the documents right away. 不要让他离开 Don"t let him leave. 让我走 Let me go. 安静的

 - 一旦他得到它们,他会杀了我 - Quiet. - He"ll kill me once he gets them. 我说闭嘴!

 I said shut up! 来吧 Come on. 警♥察♥ Police. 保持友善和冷静 Keep nice and calm. - 我必须离开这里

 - 原地不动!


 I have to get out of here. - Stay put! 他们看到了我

 - 我说坐下!

 They saw me. - I said sit! 停止!

 - 停止!

 - Stop! - Stop! 继续,开枪打死我 Go on, shoot me. 给我一个不这样做的理由 这他妈是个陷阱!

 Give me one reason not to. It was a fucking trap! 你说得对 这对我来说是个陷阱!

 You"re damn right. It was a trap for me! 他利用了我 He used me. 这与格鲁伯无关 It had nothing to do with Gruber. 韦斯在利用我 Weiss was using me. 现在我需要他的帮助,他想杀了我 And now that I need his help he wants to kill me. 无非是谎言 多夫曼,贝克 Nothing but lies. Dorfmann, Beck. 我不得不像动物一样躲起来!

 I had to hide like an animal! 法国、波兰 France, Poland. 你不知道什么... You have no idea what... 我们不能留在这里 我们必须离开街道 We can"t stay here. We have to get off the street. 这边走 This way. 来 Come. 你不需要一直用枪指着我 You don"t need to keep pointing the gun at me. 我背叛了他一次,我不会再犯了 I betrayed him once, I"m not going to do it again. 从浴室给我拿些毛巾 Get me some towels from the bathroom. 喝 Drink.

 对不起 I"m sorry. 这会很痛 This is going to hurt. 这里

 - 这怎么发生的? Here. - How did this happen? 炸♥弹♥,在船码头

 - 什么? - A bomb, at the boat terminal. - What? 有人想杀了我 Someone tried to kill me. 事情对我来说太糟糕了 Things have got so bad for me here 我来找你帮忙 that I"m coming to you for help. 不是全部!

 Not all of it! 抱着他不动 Hold him still. 这会让他更伤心 It"s going to cut him more. 我试着慢慢走 I"m trying to go slowly. 现在就拔♥出♥来♥!

 Just pull it out now! 所以... So... 你到底是谁? who the hell are you? 谢谢,我会带他们的 Thanks, I"ll take them. 为你,女士 For you, madam. 我想请你吃饭 I"d like to invite you to dinner. 今晚 9:00 pm 我来接你 Tonight at 9:00 p.m. I"ll fetch you. 罗伯特·舒尔茨 Robert Schulz. 为什么你没有 Tilda 包给你? Why didn"t you have Tilda pack for you? 我不得不再次熨烫所有东西

 I"d have to iron everything again. 嫁给海军男人的好理由 A good reason to marry a navy man. 你知道怎么叠衬衫 You know how to fold shirts. 嗯 也许是唯一的原因 Hm. Perhaps the only reason. 阿尔布雷希特到底在哪里?

 - 柏林 - Where is Albrecht anyway? - Berlin. 他与海军最高司令部会面 He has a meeting with Navy High Command. 啊 Ah. 当我遇到 Dönitz 时,他似乎变了 When I met Dönitz he seemed changed. 与其说是海军上将,不如说是政♥治♥家 Much less an admiral, much more politician. 我不羡慕他不得不和那些人一起工作 I don"t envy him for having to work with those men. 我很高兴你的心情这么好 I"m glad you"re in such good spirits. 终于除了坐在那里还有别的事可做 Finally something else to do besides sit around 感觉自己老了,受人尊敬和无用 feeling old, revered and useless. 是的,真正的冒险 Yes, a real adventure. 你们男人肯定过得很好 You men sure have it good. 我们最近的谈话... - 爸爸... - Our talk recently... - Dad... 我知道这有多难, I know how hard it was, 你必须经历的所有事情 all the things you had to go through. 你母亲的死 Your mother"s death. 克劳斯 Klaus. 但... But...

 也许我们的命运现在会变得更好 maybe our fortunes will change for the better now. 是的 Yes. 我亲爱的姑娘 My darling girl. 是的 Yes. 这里 Here. 替我向美丽的里斯本问好 Say hi to beautiful Lisbon for me. 我会 I will. 是的,没有父亲, Yes, no father, 没有丈夫 no husband. 我希望你不会感到太孤单 I hope you won"t feel too lonely. 我会活下来的 I"ll survive all right. 移♥动♥,这边 其余的在鱼雷室 Move, over here. The rest in the torpedo room. 快来吧!

 Come on now! 在床下

 - 你是认真的? - Under the beds. - Are you serious? 是的 Yes. 我完成了黄金存放地点的清单 I finished the list of where the gold is stowed. 它与少尉的报告相符 It matches the second lieutenant"s report. 怎么了? What"s wrong? 重量,损坏的方向舵... The weight, the damaged rudder... 我们永远也赶不上这门课的约会地点 We"ll never make ...