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时间:2022-10-19 19:45:02 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:为了研究移动荷载作用下结构的安定性问题,以Melan静力型安定定理为基础,通过构造满足静力平衡条件的最佳残余应力场,并求解移动荷载作用下结构中的真实弹性应力场,发展了一种弹塑性安定性计算方法.该方法摆脱了传统安定性分析方法中的数学规划运算,解决了计算中维数障碍的问题.通过与前人研究结果对比,说明本方法的正确性.基于此方法,研究了列车荷载直接作用下路基的静力安定极限的第一类上限kI和静力安定极限kSD,进行轮载间距L和铁轨间距B对路基安定极限的敏感性分析,发现当轮载间距L和铁轨间距B大于等于10a时,轮载间距L和铁轨间距B对路基安定极限不再产生影响;通过分析材料泊松比v和内摩擦角φ对安定极限的影响,表明安定极限随着路基泊松比的增大略有减小,但随着内摩擦角的增大而有明显增加;并提出了一种基于安定极限荷载包络图的路基安定性评价方法和设计方法,据此可对铁路路基进行设计指导和安全性评价.


中图分类号:TU4 文献标志码:A


Abstract: An elastic-plastic shakedown solution is established for the shadedown analysis of the structure under moving loads.On the basis of the Melan’s static shakedown theorem,this method is developed by searching for the best residual stress field,and calculating the actual elastic stress field subjected to the moving loads.This method avoids the operation of mathematical programming in traditional method of shakedown analysis,and therefore obstruction due to large scale mathematical programming is overcome. The validity of this method is verified by comparing the results of the previous study. Based on this method,the upper bound type 1 shakedown limit kI and static shakedown limit kSD of railway subgrade are presented. A sensitive analysis is also presented, showing that the shakedown limit remains stable if the distance between the loads L and rails B is longer than 10a,so that the upper bound type 1 shakedown limit kI is shown. Meanwhile, by means of investigation on the influence of Poisson′s ratio and internal friction angle, it is found that the static shakedown limit kSD diminish marginally with the increase of Poisson′s ratio, while both the upper bound type 1 shakedown limit kI and static shakedown limit kSD experience a steadily growth with the increase of internal friction angle. A design method for subgrade is finally proposed based on the envelope diagram of shakedown limits, which can provide guidelines for design and safety assessment of railway subgrade.

Key words: shakedown analysis;railways;Hertz load;Melan′s lower-bound shakedown theorem;moving load;elastis plastic materials

高速铁路无砟轨道具有乘坐舒适、方便快捷、运输能力强等优势,因此成为铁路客运专线发展的必然选择[1].随着经济社会的发展和“一带一路”战略的提出,我国高速铁路的建设得到了快速的发展.截至2016年底,中国高铁的运营里程已经达到2.2万公里,占世界高速铁路运营总里程60 %多.国家发改委等部门出台的规划明确指出,到2025年,中国高速铁路通车里程将达到3.8万公里,并形成“八纵八横”的高铁网.2017年6月,具有完全自主知识产权的中国标准的动车组“复兴号”首发成功,最高时速达400 km/h.随着列车运行速度的不断提高,作为轨下基础的路基发挥着越来越重要的作用[2],对铁路安全性、可靠性的要求日渐提高[3].但是现行的设计方法仍以静态或准静态为主[4],对于路基临界应力、破坏时机、塑性应变累积、永久变形的预测都是难以确定和定义的,而在研究道路结构性能时,这些都是必要因素.安定性是对结构在变化荷载作用下塑形行为的研究.通过安定分析可以确定结构的临界安定载荷和破坏机制,为工程设计和安全评估提供准确可靠的理论依据[5].