摘要:为研究新型船用钢板的摩擦磨损性能,用UMT-3 TriboLab摩擦磨损试验机测试这种钢板在不同环境温度下的摩擦因数(载荷为50 N、往复速度50 mm/s),用白光干涉仪测量试样磨痕截面轮廓线,用ABAQUS对Al2O3球与这种钢板组成的摩擦副建模。将测量得到的相关参数输入到计算模型中,采用区域网格划分方法对接触变形过程进行模拟,得到接触区域的应力、应变和塑性变形。结果表明:在球与钢板接触初期,在同等载荷情况下,钢板的磨损量随温度的降低而增加;摩擦磨损过程中的温升、过渡层和磨屑对摩擦磨损行为有一定的影响;采用区域网格划分方法可以有效计算钢板的理论应变和磨痕截面轮廓线;由于摩擦磨损过程中温升、磨屑等因素的存在,基于赫兹接触理论的有限元模拟结果与实际磨损结果有一定的误差,试验环境温度越低,该误差就越小。
关键词:船用钢板; 磨损; 有限元; ABAQUS
中图分类号: U661.4;TB115.1
文献标志码: A
Abstract:To investigate the friction and wear performance of new marine steel plate, UMT-3 TriboLab friction and wear tester is used to test friction factors of the steel plate at different environment temperatures (the load of 50 N and the reciprocating speed of 50 mm/s), the white light interferometer is used to measure the cross section profile of the wear scar, and ABAQUS is used to model the friction pair composed of Al2O3 ball and the steel plate. The measured parameters are put into the calculation model. The contact deformation process is simulated to get the stress, strain and plastic deformation of the contact area, where the method of regional mesh division is adopted. Results show that: at the initial stage of contact between the ball and the steel plate under the same load, the wear volume of the steel plate increases with the decrease of temperature; the temperature rise, the transition layer and the wear debris in the process of friction and wear have some effects on friction and wear behavior; because of the regional mesh division method, the theoretical strain of the steel plate and the cross section profile curve of the wear scar can be calculated effectively; due to the existence of temperature rise, wear debris and other factors in friction and wear process, the finite element simulation results based on Hertz contact theory have some errors compared with the actual wear results, and the lower the temperature of test environment, the smaller the error caused by the above factors.
Key words:marine steel plate; wear; finite element; ABAQUS
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极地船舶在极地的最低服役温度达到-70 ℃,平均工作环境温度为-20 ℃。极地船舶也会在全球海域航行,在航行过程中船体钢板在重力和海水浮力的共同作用下会受到各种应力作用,还会因水面和水下温差发生体积变化从而产生巨大的结构应力[3];当船舶在冰区航行时,冰层的连续撞击和摩擦会使船用钢板产生疲劳和塑性变形,同时由于船上机器的振动,船上安装的各种设备会对船用钢板产生摩擦,导致零件或钢板磨损失效。目前国内相关机构侧重于对破冰船的船体型线、破冰方法对破冰性能的影响进行相关研究[4-6],但对破冰船用钢板在不同冲击载荷下的摩擦磨损性能、腐蚀性能的研究较少。