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时间:2022-10-21 14:25:07 来源:网友投稿

tӎ9}9ӿ=O3Mz+,]4vm5Nt_m4jw[Գ,NNk6j*r�)ڙm]Ζ^{'k^fm5'L!zhz6m5m4뽴O6]BzYb]5iV材料制成(阻尼材料的力学取自依据文献[12]), 中间层钢板通过上支承与球罐底部相连,上下两层钢板连接为一个整体通过下支承与地面固接。圆盘周边开槽放置钢制滚珠,主要目的是为了控制中间钢板在竖直方向的位移,避免对阻尼材料产生拉压变形,确保阻尼层只受水平剪切;下支承部分,连接阻尼器中上部及下部钢板,使上下两块钢板形成整体固定于地面,本文采用钢筋混凝土支柱。

2 理论分析

2.1 黏弹性阻尼器力学模型 国内外学者对黏弹性阻尼器恢复力模型研究得比较多[13],目前主要有Maxwell模型、Kelvin模型、等效标准固化模型、等效刚度阻尼模型等。等效刚度阻尼模型是由Chang K C等[14]提出,其理论及计算简单,工程应用比较广泛,由此本文黏弹性阻尼器恢复力模型采用等效刚度阻尼模型。

根据规范[14]可算得球形储罐支承系统刚度k0=6.86×107 N/m,取φ=0.4,可得λ≥0.67取为0.67,则据式(29)可得kd=k0=4.60×107 N/m,进而可算得阻尼材料面积A=(0.493×2) m2, 则圆盘平板式阻尼器半径为0.40 m。上、下支承刚度分别为:ks1=6.19×109 N/m,ks2=9.1×108 N/m。支承结构阻尼系数可根据Rayleigh阻尼模型得出。选择Ⅳ类场地中满足规范[14]的5条天然波和2条人工波,调整加速度时程曲线峰值为0.2g,加速度反应谱如图6所示,采用Newmark-β进行时程分析,计算结果如表3所示。图7为天津波地震动输入时地震动响应时程曲线。其中算例的自振周期为0.488 s。


3 有限元数值仿真分析〖*2〗3.1 算例分析 依据上述工程实例,利用大型有限元软件ADINA建立球形储罐抗震及罐底附加黏弹性阻尼器减震有限元数值仿真模型,其中球壳选用Shell单元,共1550个单元,球罐支柱及阻尼系统上支承选用Pipe单元,分别建立了160个单元及10个单元,拉杆选用Truss单元,储液选用势流体单元,共15000个单元,阻尼系统下支柱采用Beam单元,共建50个单元,黏弹性阻尼器选用Spring单元模拟。有限元模型如图8所示。

以加速度峰值为0.2g 的TH1TG065作为地震动输入进行地震动响应分析,计算结果如图9所示。

从图9可知,在球罐底部附加黏弹性阻尼器后各工况值均大幅降低。球罐支柱基底剪力峰值及左边单柱竖向反力峰值由抗震时的1993.3和1092.4 kN,减小到603.9和726.9 kN,减震率分别为69.70%,33.46%,说明采用减震措施后能有效防止地脚螺栓的破坏。倾覆弯矩峰值由15410.4 kN·m降低为7703.9 kN·m,减震率为50.01%,降低了球罐在地震作用时的倾覆倾倒风险。拉杆有效应力峰值由275.4 MPa减少为83.4 MPa,远低于拉杆屈服应力490 MPa。图9(e)中柱顶位移由0.046 m减小为0.012 m,球罐支承体系层间位移角由1/174降低为1/667,支柱内力大副降低,说明采用阻尼器后能有效防止变形过大造成支柱弯曲破坏。图9(f)中晃动波高峰值由抗震时的0.84 m减小到0.53 m,说明在罐底附加黏弹性阻尼器后能在一定程度控制储液的晃动。

3.2 数值解与有限元解对比分析



4 结 论





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Abstract: In order to study the damping effect of viscoelastic damper attached to the bottom of a spherical tank, the seismic simplified mechanical model considering the sloshing effect, the initial and further simplified mechanical model with viscoelastic dampers at the bottom of the tank are deduced respectively, and the corresponding seismic response analyses were carried out. The results show that the viscoelastic dampers can greatly reduce the force of the support of the spherical tank and the sloshing wave height of the reservoir. Moreover, the calculation results of the finite element model show that the additional viscoelastic dampers at the bottom of the tank can effectively reduce the seismic response. By comparison, the finite element calculation results and the numerical solutions are very close to each other, verifying the accuracy of the calculation results. When the simplified mechanical model is applied to seismic design, the results of the initial simplified model and the further simplified model should be properly amplified. For the purpose of structural safety, the amplification factor could be considered to be 1.1~1.2.

Key words: antiseismic; spherical tank; viscoelastic dampers; ground motion response; simplified mechanics model

作者簡介: 吕 远(1990—),男,博士研究生。电话: 13704266093; E-mail: m13704266093@163.com