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时间:2022-10-22 10:05:04 来源:网友投稿

摘要 基于河北省保定市徐水区502份调查数据,运用意愿价值评估方法,结合Logistic回归模型分析手段,构建耦合个体禀赋、生产经营、环保认知、社会资源、政策偏好等因素的秸秆还田技术采纳意愿评价模拟模型,定量分析秸秆还田费用支付意愿影响因素。结果表明,正向影响支付意愿的因素由强到弱为秸秆用途、问题求助、技术培训措施、粉碎费用、农药费用及销售收入;负向影响支付意愿的因素由强到弱为采纳别人意见、家庭总收入及化肥费用;样本总体的支付意愿平均水平为724.8元/hm2。鉴于北方地区农户秸秆还田技术采纳意愿较低,技术决策中应充分考虑农户的意愿和偏好,建立和完善农民参与政策项目的保障机制;搭建农村信息交流共享平台,提高农民的知识水平和操作能力;建立生产环节长效动态激励机制,引导农户环境友好型生产行为。

关键词 秸秆还田技术;意愿价值评估法;支付意愿;影响因素;计量经济模型

中图分类号 S-9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)29-0214-07

Determinants Affecting Farmers’ Willingnesstopay for Adopting Straw Countersfield Technology from View of Farmers

ZHOU Ying1, GAN Shouwen1, ZU Junming2 et al

(1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing 100081;2.Xushui Agriculture Bureau in Baoding City,Hebei Province,Baoding,Hebei 072550)

Abstract Based on the survey data of 502 households in Xushui District, Baoding City,we applied the contingent valuation method (CVM) and the logistic regression Model, constructed the simulation model of evaluating the adoption willing for straw countersfield technology including individual endowments, production and management, environmental awareness, social resources and policy preferences characteristic variables. We put forward the determinants affecting willingnesstopay for adopting straw countersfield technology. The positive impacts of willingness to pay from strong to weak were straw use, problem assisting, technical training, crushing costs, pesticide costs and sales revenue, and the negative impacts from strong to weak were adopting the views of others, the total household income and fertilizer costs. The average level of willingness to pay is 724.8 yuan/hm2. In view of the low willingnesstopay for adopting straw countersfield technology in the northern China, the government should take the following effective measures: taking full account of farmers’ wishes and preferences for decisionmaking, establishing the safeguards mechanisms for participating projects for farmers, and building the rural information exchange platform to promote the knowledge level and operational capability of farmers, establishing the longterm dynamic incentive mechanism of production link to guide farmers’ environmental friendly production behavior.

Key words Straw crushing returning technology;Contingent valuation method (CVM);Willingnesstopay (WTP);Influence factors;Compensation policy;Econometric model

作者簡介 周颖(1975—),女,北京人,副研究员,博士,从事农业生态补偿研究。