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时间:2022-10-23 12:20:03 来源:网友投稿




经过千年演绎,《白蛇传》主人公从吃人“蛇妖”蜕变为具有善良人性的美丽女子。中华民族远古时代就有“美女蛇”的传说故事,华夏最早的美女蛇可能要算女娲了,她“人面蛇身,一日中七十变”,与女娲曾为兄妹或丈妇的伏羲,自然也是“男性蛇”,其他如共工、黄帝、尧、禹,皆为“龙蛇所变”,在这之后,我们的祖先便把蛇作为我们华夏民族的图腾崇拜物,因而我国古时便出现了众多的有关蛇的故事和传说,所以中华民族早在形成过程中便有了产生《白蛇传》的民俗基础。到了唐代,笔记小说《白蛇记》中,就讲了两个大肆渲染白蛇化作美女勾引男子的可怕故事:一个故事说,唐宪宗元年陇西李黄在长安市东遇见一个穿白色孝服的美丽少妇,为其勾引,在她家“一住三日,饮乐无所不至”,第四日回家,就觉得“身重头旋”,卧床不起,被底下的身子逐渐消蚀,只剩一股血水。后来家里人去寻那白衣美女的家,只有一座空园和一棵皂荚树。听邻居说此树常有大白蛇蟠绕,家人才知少妇为“蛇妖”所变;另一个故事说,唐元和中,凤翔节度使李听的侄子李,在安化门外遇见一辆豪华的马车,随在车旁的是两个穿白衣、 乘白马的漂亮女婢。李为其吸引,就尾随车子直奔奉诚园。后来一个婢女把他招进园内,与一个十六七岁穿白衣的姑娘同宿园中。第二天早晨回家觉得头痛难受,不多时就“脑裂而卒”。家里人找到奉诚园,园内空荡萧条,“但见枯槐中有大蛇蟠屈”,才知李死于“蛇妖”之害。


到了明代,通俗文学家冯梦龙对市井流传的白蛇传说和采纳各种话本进行加工,定名为《白娘子永镇雷峰塔》,这是我们今天能看到的最早、最完整的《白蛇传》写定本。由于时代的前进,写定本中不仅增添了南宋以后的大量生活情景,而且以往那种精魅害人之类的观念被基本抛弃,将白娘子的形象从“蛇妖” 蜕化为“蛇仙”,并使之成为一个具有善良人性的美丽女子,加之后来清乾隆年间黄图泌整理的昆曲本《雷峰塔传奇》,更把白素贞的形象升华为“追求自由”,“敢爱敢恨”、“对爱情坚贞不二”,并具备了“妇女们普遍具有的追求自由幸福的善良愿望和坚强性格”的美丽女子。

她在婚姻上有自己的择偶标准。“舟遇”中她有这样一段表白:“花柳缤纷,笙歌缭绕,不免春心荡漾, 情思迷离。无奈这些游人,大半凡夫俗子,岂解调琴鼓瑟?今有临安许仙,前往保荐灵,貌既不凡,情亦可眷,并非偶遇。不免带同青儿前去,候于中途,随机取事。”这段表白可以看出,白氏素贞早已不是“吸人精髓”的妖孽,而是一位充满理想情趣的女性,她择偶爱人品,重气质,即使许仙家贫她亦一见钟情;她与许仙婚后一往情深,柔情蜜意,充分表现了华夏女性普遍具有的温柔和对爱的执著。她见许仙贫困,竟不计后果使出“灵蛇”性子去盗官银,致使许仙蒙受牢狱之灾。对于这种暂时离散,她竟茶饭不思,无法面对:“不禁的路迷梦里,月落梁间,这寂寞何曾惧也?垂成转艰难,何以解烦愁?还上望夫山,但愿珠重合、镜重圆、曲重弹、妾重欢、郎重盼!……”

















From A Monster Snake to a Beauty

By Lang Yiqian

“The Tale of Madam White Snake? one of the four major Chinese folk legends, is about a white snake that successfully turns itself into a beautiful woman with a magic power after cultivating vital energy for 1,000 years at the foot of Mount Emei in southwestern China’s Sichuan Province.

The tale about a white snake originated in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and took shape initially in Hangzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). In the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), it was adapted for various local operas and story-telling performances. From the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) onward, the tale about a snake-turned woman saving her husband from death and their marriage from a ghost-busting monk appealed so much to the imagination of people that it made its way into various arts such as literary sketches, paintings, short stories, legends, ballads, folk operas, and story-telling. In modern times, the tale has been adapted to feature films, teleplays, animation films, dancing and cartoon strips, etc. Moreover, the popular tale has spread to our neighboring countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam and India.

The way the tale turned from a scary monster story into a tragic romance and a classic masterpiece represents joint efforts and enthusiasm of numerous writers and artists over centuries.

Modern critics have summarized three major changes in the story over centuries to explain its growing popularity.

Firstly, the millennium evolution of the tale has turned a man-eating serpent into a beautiful woman with human virtue.

Legends about snakes abounded even in the earliest days of the Chinese civilization. In one primitive tale, a snake with a beautiful female face changes itself seventy times a day. It is believed that these ancient legends form the very basis of the tale of madam white snake. A Tang-Dynasty scholar penned a literary sketch about two white snakes that turned themselves into girls and seduced a man before killing him. Another literary sketch of the Tang period also relates a story about the son of a high-ranking official. The young man followed a mysterious and elegant carriage accompanied by two servant girls in white. The servant girls later introduced the curious follower to their lady, a young woman in white. The young man spent the night with her in a garden and died next morning back home. His family searched the garden and found the culprit, a huge serpent, inside a tree hole.

Images of the white snake in stories in the Song and Yuan dynasties were still evil. But in these stories, we can see how the monster scares the husband to death after taking a cup of herbal wine and how the snake is finally banished into a vault under a pagoda. These plots were to appear in the famous story of madam white snake.

It was in the Ming period (1368-1644) that Feng Menglong (1574-1646), a popular short story writer who collected and anthologized many folk stories, produced a full-length legend of madam white snake based on various snake stories. This is the earliest complete tale available today. In Feng’s account, the everyday life in the Southern Song Dynasty is vividly depicted; instead of being a man-eating devil, the white snake becomes a kind-hearted woman that pursues love and happiness. The Kunqu Opera scenario of “The Legend of Thunder Peak Pagoda? edited by Huang Tubi during the years of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), portrays the white snake as a courageous woman who dares to love and hate. Secondly, the plots of the tale are simplified.

Xu Xian, the husband of the white snake, assumes different identities in earlier versions, in which he varies from a son of a woodcutter, of a doctor, of a candy vendor, to a young scholar from a wealthy family. But in the end, he is an assistant in an herbal pharmacy shop, that is, just nobody.

The number of the white snake’s arch enemies dwindles from six to one. In earlier versions, the enemies include a magistrate in Hangzhou who accuses the woman and her husband of robbing the government’s treasury vault, a Taoist monk who gives a charm to Xu Xian to use against his snake wife, another government official in Suzhou who also suspects the white snake is involved in a government treasury robbery, a landlord who covets Xu Xian’s beautiful wife, a snake catcher whose family has been in the business of catching snakes for more than seven generations, and finally the Monk Fahai with a complete range of magic power at his disposal. In the end, however, the monk is the only archrival left to break up the snake’s happy marriage.

The snake image no longer appears in the story. In earlier versions, the wife occasionally turns back into a snake, baring the fangs and flaunting the blood-dripping mouth and the lantern-like eyes. But these bone-chilling elements are sanitized in later versions.

Thirdly, the theme of the tale has sublimated.

It is no longer a morality tale against abandoning oneself to wanton libido. Nor is it about revenge and a debt of gratitude, or about a predestined marriage, or about a monster.

Instead, it is now a drama of fighting against feudal taboos and persecution. In the modern tragedy, the snake lady is a virtuous woman in pursuit of worldly happiness. The husband is no longer a man who helps the monk to exorcize his monster wife. Instead, the husband wars against himself after learning the truth of his wife’s identity but finally makes up his mind to protect the marriage. He is a man victimized by the monk.

In earlier versions, the monk is an honorable monster buster. But in later versions, he becomes a crafty scoundrel who does everything in his power to maintain the feudal ideology. The monk is depicted as a heartless and ruthless man who breaks a family and a marriage although he reverently chants compassionate Buddhist sutra.

The popular modern tragedy also cuts off a happy closure. In some earlier versions of the white snake tale, the son of the white snake becomes a Zhuangyuan from an imperial examination. With the decent publicity made possible by the privileges he enjoys as a national scholar, the son visits the pagoda in memory of his mother in an effort to rehabilitate her name. Moved by his piety, the gods release the white snake lady from under the pagoda and give her a status as a Buddhist immortal. Believing that this happy finale undermines the force of tragedy, some modern writers have eliminated the superfluous ending and let the simplified romance stand as tragedy.

(Translated by David)

推荐访问:千年 美女 蛇妖