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时间:2022-10-31 10:40:03 来源:网友投稿

zoޛ)j馔OUDQ=_iL׮߿uMyӖMtiDQ=SEO OW^Bcb2@Q=UwuQ=_y}=]i?OWdOWiiDQ=_mOTC#NuiviDD=6Q=TOT4mQiQ=TOUD?Q=V总结来评估该电站相同部位发生硼酸腐蚀的可能性,并加强检查。



[2]Survey of Boric Acid Corrosion Events by Samantha Crane and William Cullen Materials Engineering Branch Office of Regulatory Research[J].US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Rev,2004.

[3]IAEA-TECDOC-1556: Assessment and management of ageing of major nuclear power plant components important to safety PWR pressure vessels,2007.

[4]Handbook of Corrosion Engineering[J]. McGraw-Hill,1999.

[5]Boric Acid Corrosion Guidebook, Revision 1:Managing Boric Acid Corrosion Issues at PWR Power Stations[J].EPRI report 100097,2001.