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时间:2022-12-30 11:30:03 来源:网友投稿

contempt的汉语是什么意思1  英[kənˈtempt] 美[kənˈtɛmpt]  第三人称复数:contempts  基本解释  名词轻蔑;轻视;(对规则、危险等的)藐视;不顾  相关例句下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度contempt汉语是什么意思3篇,供大家参考。



  英 [kənˈtempt] 美 [kənˈtɛmpt]



  名词 轻蔑; 轻视; (对规则、危险等的)藐视; 不顾



  1. I feel nothing but contempt for cheating.


  2. A liar is held in contempt.


  3. She lives in contempt.


  4. Traitors have always been treated with contempt.


  5. She was fined for contempt of court.



  1. Lawmakers could vote to cite witnesses for contempt and refer the matter to the local US attorney to bring before a grand jury.

  2. It is the first time in 25 years that a full chamber of Congress has voted on a contempt of Congress citation.

  3. The last time a full chamber of Congress voted on a contempt of Congress citation was 1983.

  4. For obstinately clinging to his family plot, the farmer became an object of contempt and loathing.

  5. Republicans call the whole affair a political game and walked out of the House vote on the contempt citations in protest.

  6. In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt.

  7. Jones declared last week that Young was in contempt for not immediately turning over the tape when deputies initially went to retrieve it from him.

  8. In 2004 a judge sentenced the journalists to pay fines on contempt of court charges for refusing to reveal their sources.

  9. Whenever a foreign media outlet overly criticizes their motherland they are quick to show their disappointment and contempt.

  10. Wahid has long displayed contempt for lawmakers who have moved against him, saying their attempts to oust him are illegal.





  英 [ti:t] 美 [tt]


  cheating 基本解释

  形容词 欺骗的.

  动词 作弊; 欺骗,哄骗( cheat的现在分词 ); (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)欺诈;


  Skin somebody alive-(活剥某人的皮)

  A:What happened to Pat this morning? I saw him leave the classroom soon after the exam began.


  B:He was found cheating and was driven out.


  A:If the principal caught him cheating, he would skin him alive.



  1. A court in East Chinas Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.

  2. The CIRC Shanghai bureau has often received complaints about agents cheating or misleading customers who are buying products.

  3. " And Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March, " police said.

  4. Yangs cheating was exposed by accident in March 2004, local police said.

  5. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important means of collecting evidence if cheating is suspected.

  6. The new rules also clarify the role of surveillance cameras in exam administration, as the devices are an important way to collect evidence if cheating is suspected.

  7. The revised campus regulations also offer university officials more say in punishing students who are caught cheating in an exam or plagiarizing research achievements.

  8. A commitment letter was signed by millions of participants in this years CEE in an effort to purge cheating in the test rooms.

  9. This may not only reduce cheating but also ease the pressure that the only one chance exerts on students.





  英 [hm] 美 [hom]

  名词 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点

  形容词 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的

  副词 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地

  不及物动词 回家; 有家; 朝向; 自动导航

  及物动词 把…送回家; 送…回家; 给…提供住处; 使有安身之处


  1. Her home is far away.


  2. Now he has his home in Manchester.



  1. These wide ranging products include indispensable items for the home and the office, for business and for pleasure.

  2. The Chinese Mexican kept the two marriages secret by claiming he was doing business abroad and could not return home frequently.

  3. The company has three major business segments - multimedia digital products, communications products and home appliances.

  4. Although the trend toward home working is fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

  5. Although the trend toward home working is undeniably fueled by technology and employee demand, proactive employer initiative driven by business needs is equally important.

  6. He said customers were getting familiar with home delivery services and had begun to trust the business model.

  7. Police said Wang initially posed as a businessman and conned the family into letting him spend the night so he could scout their home.

  8. The traditional Chinese Qingming Festival period is a busy period when people from home and abroad come to pay their respects.


  1. (比赛的)主场

  When a sports team plays at home, they play a game on their own ground, rather than on the opposing team"s ground.

  e.g. I scored in both games against Barcelona; we drew at home and beat them away.


  2. 像在家一样舒适自在;无拘束

  If you feel at home, you feel comfortable in the place or situation that you are in.

  e.g. He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home...


  e.g. I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.


  3. 使清楚地领会;使深切地感到

  To bring something home to someone means to make them understand how important or serious it is.

  e.g. Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.


  4. 大功告成;稳操胜券

  If you say that someone is, in British English home and dry, or in American English home free, you mean that they have been successful or that they are certain to be successful.

  e.g. The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry.






  英 [kwt] 美 [kwt]

  第三人称单数:quits现在分词:quitting过去分词:quitted; quit过去式:quitted; quit

  及物动词 离开; 放弃,抛弃; 停止,中断; 偿清

  不及物动词 辞职; 停止; 放弃斗争

  形容词 自由的; 摆脱了责任或义务的



  A:I quit my job.


  B:Are you joking?



  1. He quit a stable job as an English teacher at Peking University and started up a business to help students develop their English skills.

  2. He quit his job and began looking for a location for the butcher shop.

  3. The Times of India on Tuesday splashed its front page with " Quitting buzz grips the capital " despite strong official denials that Singh would quit.

  4. The women all quit their jobs after discovering that they had been poisoned by cadmium, an extremely hazardous metal used to make some kinds of batteries.

  5. Her question struck a chord with many Russians and some officials expressed remorse or offered to quit over the carnage.

  6. It has been delayed several times, had a main actress quit and suffered numerous accidents that have left several actors hospitalized.

  7. Fred Thompson quit the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states.

  8. His success has already seen him linked with Celtic, who are looking for a manager after Gordon Strachan quit on Monday.

  9. But some enumerators have already quit their post ahead of the sixth national census over fears they will not be able to complete the task.


  1. In any case mentioned above, you can return back to DOS by quit command.

  在以上提到的任何情况下,你都可以通过quit命令返回到DOS 。

  2. He quit love with hate.


  3. Unfortunately, there is a time for learning task is too heavy, just quit.


  4. Sorry the pictures are not so clear because my seat is quit far away from the stage.


  5. And they won`t quit the concert stage for the rest of their lives.





  英 [dɪs"ɒnɪstlɪ] 美 [dɪs"ɒnɪstlɪ]

  dishonestly 基本解释



  1. Some of Shenzhen"s property brokers dishonestly report transaction value to evade tax.

  2. He got the money dishonestly, by forging his brother"s signature.

  3. To appropriate dishonestly for one"s own use.

  4.To serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an of ficial representative of.

  5. He acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend.




  英 [ˈhedbænd] 美 [ˈhɛdˌbænd]



  名词 (扎在额头上的`)束发带,扎头带


  1. Socrates wore a headband reading, " People need justice " while the national anthem played.

  2. Both returned, with Barry sporting a giant bandage held on by a headband.

  3. Ben Wallace caused a stir the following night in New York when he was benched for violating team rules by wearing a headband.

  4. A narrow band or strip of ribbon worn as a headband.





  英 ["mju:tˌnɪs] 美 ["mju:tˌnɪs]


  名词 哑,无言


  1. Soames preserved a perfect muteness, busy with far-away thoughts.

  2. It is this warmth that makes the motionlessness of distant horizon and the muteness of " trees and me " im* a certain fulfillment, as if they are waiting for an unannounced fall of something.

  3. On Setting up the Right to Muteness in China

  4. The legal rights and interests of criminal suspects and criminal defendants should be protected and their right to muteness should be allowed to exercise, and litigious effect will be increased by educating and encouraging criminal suspects and criminal defendants to honestly confess their crimes as well.

  5. The new acupuncture treatment has opened up the forbidden zone of deaf-muteness and has cured many " incurable " diseases.




  英 [ʌnˈnesəsəri] 美 [ʌnˈnesəseri]

  unnecessary 基本解释

  形容词 不必要的,多余的; 无用的,无益的.; 无须


  1. That was an unnecessary remark.


  2. All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.



  1. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.

  2. Supporters of the law say the suit was an unnecessary action by the federal government after years of neglecting problems at the border.

  3. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust.

  4. Tsang said senior officials of the Hong Kong government should call off all unnecessary activities to mourn the dead.

  5. Experts have warned Chinese carbon credit sellers to strengthen legal awareness and improve language skills to protect their interests and avoid unnecessary legal dis*s.

  6. It is essential that we protect the environment and ecosystem which has been seriously damaged in some areas by unnecessary human activity.

  7. It told Chinese firms to carry forward with mergers and acquisitions in an active and safe way and avoid unnecessary losses from blind expansion.

  8. But campaigners against the war said Campbell was the first major political casualty of what they termed an illegal and unnecessary conflict.

  9. " I didn"t want yaks to roam into the mining areas and cause unnecessary trouble, " he said.




  英 [ˈvɪgə(r)] 美 [ˈvɪɡɚ]

  名词 气势; 精力,活力; 强健; 有力行动


  1. 体力;精力;活力

  Vigour is physical or mental energy and enthusiasm.

  e.g. His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old...


  e.g. He blew his nose with great vigour.



  1. Wenger"s side were at least shaken out of their sense of complacency and starting attacking with renewed vigour.

  2. " The entry of more private investment could bring vigour and efficiency, " Jin says.

  3. Harper pounded back with equal vigour about Liberal waste and mismanagement, reminding voters daily about the sponsorship scandal and the gun registry.

  4. If Blair hoped his statement would kill off the leadership debate, he was mistaken as it has flared with renewed vigour.

  5. The freedom to switch class should mean greater social vigour and social justice guarantees, but in China there are still so many barricades in the way.

  6. Grounding ourselves in reality means relying on social practice and demonstrating the vigour of Tibetan culture.

  7. We cannot afford to lavish our time and vigour on transient hedonistic comforts.

  8. Many enterprises that endured the reform are now operating with renewed vigour and efficiency.

  9. The volume alone shows the vigour of local public transportation in Hong Kong.

  10. It is a continent with a long history, but bursting with vigour.





  英 [s:kl] 美 [s:rkl]


  circle 基本解释

  名词 圆; 圈子; 圆状物; 一圈

  及物动词 圈出,包围; 绕…运转

  不及物动词 环绕,盘旋


  1. There is a circle of flowers around the statue.


  2. I have a circle of friends here.



  1. Many people in the pop music circle expressed their dissatisfaction about Jay Chou"s denial of his earlier love with another Taiwan pop diva Jolin Cai.

  2. The ecological system should maintain a virtuous circle and all rivers should flow calmly along their natural course.

  3. Roll dough from center to edges into a circle about 12 inches in diameter.

  4. Chen"s problems centre on allegations that his family and inner circle used their positions for personal financial gain.

  5. Representatives from the religious circle, ceramic art industry and tea industry attended the event.

  6. So he orders a chalk circle to be drawn and places the child in the middle.

  7. The champ responded by pointing to his own head and moving his finger in a circle around his ear.

  8. A stand of pines forms a circle around a small clearing like an outdoor chapel.

  9. Maria Sharapova has withdrawn from next week"s Family Circle Cup in Charleston and will miss making her Fed Cup debut next month because of injuries.


  1. 圆;圆形;圆圈

  A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area. Every part of the line is the same distance from the centre of the area.

  e.g. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center...


  e.g. I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it.


  2. 圆形物;圆片;圆块

  A circle of something is a round flat piece or area of it.

  e.g. Cut out 4 circles of pastry.


  e.g. ...a circle of yellow light.


  3. 一圈(物体或人)

  A circle of objects or people is a group of them arranged in the shape of a circle.

  e.g. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones...


  e.g. We stood in a circle holding hands.


  4. 包围;围绕;环绕

  If something circles an object or a place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it.

  e.g. This is the ring road that circles the city.

