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时间:2023-01-09 10:20:05 来源:网友投稿

介绍野生动物英语作文1  pandaisoneofthescarcestanimals.peopleintheworldlikeitverymuch.thereusedtobemanypandasi下面是小编为大家整理的2023年介绍野生动物英语作文五篇(2023年),供大家参考。



  panda is one of the scarcest animals. people in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in china long ago. as the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. but at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

  nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in china is in sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.


  Today, the Wildlife Complaint Office is again full of wild animals with extreme grief and anger. The bird said with a sad face: "Director, the sewage and toxic air discharged by humans make me homeless and have no food to eat. What should I do? How about it?!"

  At this time, the mother frog led a group of weird little frogs to complain fiercely, and said angrily: "Director, look, the sewage discharged by humans has flowed into our home, making my poor children terrible: My eldest son has three eyes, the second son has five legs, and the fourth son has only two legs. None of them are normal. How can they see people?!

  My husband was arrested again, and many of my kind were arrested by humans. Humans are really hateful! "The Siberian tiger, the king of the forest, hurried over and said viciously: "Director Elephant, my son and wife were all taken by hunters. Because they saw that the fur on our body can be made into precious tiger skins, they arrested us. I was so dangerous that I was not caught. Look, we have fewer and fewer of the same kind..."

  Before the Siberian tiger was finished, the rhino complained angrily: "Director Elephant, human beings are too hateful. I cut off my horns and tell me how to survive!" "Ouuuuu", with a burst of crying. If the rhino is broken, it turns out to be a small sika deer. It ran over while crying, and sobbed: "My mother was caught by humans and went to the zoo for an exhibition, oh oh oh..."

  Wild animals are getting more and more angry, but they are also helpless, because they do not have a brain as developed as humans, and cannot create advanced weapons to deal with humans who harm them. Every wild animal in the room is a mud bodhisattva. River-its hard to protect yourself!

  "Ah, help, dont hurt us anymore!" This is the wild animals asking for help from humans, asking humans not to harm them, but to protect them!


  Have you ever thought about how animals feel?

  Today, I will stand by the side of animals and persuade those who do not cherish animal life. Do people often say that dogs are man’s best friends, but how many people have been able to be friends with dogs? Many people slaughtered the dog when it grew up and ate dog meat.

  Some people say that they like dogs because they are cute when they are young. After growing up, because it is a crossbreed dog, it is slaughtered and eaten if it is not so cute. In terms of idioms, none of them sound good, such as wolf-hearted, dog-friendly, pig-skin-dog face, etc. From these terms, some people still dont like dogs.

  I still have to defend the wolf in the court of life. People say that introducing bad guys into the house is called introducing wolves into the house. People think of wolves as an unforgivable plague. I was thinking that if the wolf understands these words, it will only increase the hatred of people.

  For example, compare me with my pet. I have kept it for so long, and he still refuses to believe that I really wont hurt it. This shows how much animals are afraid of humans. People think that it is hateful for animals to hunt other animals, but this is also for survival. And people hunt, some for recreation, some for making money.

  Many of the animals in the zoo have lost their vitality and wildness, and some were even bought from hunters, which made the animals lose their freedom. There are also many people who believe that animal mothers do not love their children as much as human mothers. I believe that no matter whether it is an animal or a human, everyone will love their children.

  I believe that it will not take long for animals and humans to coexist peacefully, so that the court of life can also be opened for animals.


  Living in the warm sea, a very intelligent and spiritual animal, that is the cute dolphin!

  The dolphin is a kind of animal that is good at predation. It treats many kinds of fish as a "feast". In addition, cuttlefish, crustaceans and small shrimps are regarded as their own "delicious snacks"! However, dolphins living in different seas have different "recipes". It is really complete with "color, fragrance and taste"!

  Dolphins also have a "special function"! When it sleeps, both sides of the brain take turns to rest. When one of the cerebral hemispheres is asleep, the other side is extremely excited. This state alternates every 10 minutes. Therefore, they can continue swimming while sleeping. Therefore, we can always see their lively figures! However, I cant think of it! Dolphins are also "heroes to save people" who "sacrifice themselves for others"!

  It is said that dolphins often rescue people who have died in the sea and drag him (her) to the shore. Sometimes, they would even drive the sharks "in groups" and "without fear of danger" to protect the safety of the victims.

  You may ask: Although dolphins have superb IQ, it is still impossible to consciously save people after all, right? What is the reason for this?

  Scientists have done many experiments for this: using dummy or big leather ball as the victim, and each time the dolphins carry the "victim" back to the shore. Therefore, scientists speculate that saving lives may be one of the many games of dolphins. How is it, is it amazing?

  Perhaps because of this, dolphins have such wonderful performances: such as "top ball", "drilling circle" and so on. Widely liked by people.

  Now, this lovely creature has become the most popular "star" actor!


  I have been reading a very interesting book these days. Its name is "My Wildlife Friend". It contains pictures of the little girl Tippi in Africa and many wild animals, which dee* attracted me to read. . When I heard the title of the book, I was surprised. Who would dare to make friends with wild animals? Isn’t it afraid of animals biting him? I took this question to read this book.

  The protagonist of the story, Tippi, is very friendly to animals, so she became good friends with wild animals. In the book Tippi is very cheerful, loves to laugh, and loves animals and her doll, Nono, and hates hunters most. Her hometown is Paris, the French capital, but in fact she has long been accustomed to life in Africa. She was born there. She loves everything in Africa. She seems to have a magic to communicate with wild animal friends, so there are many stories about African friends.

  My favorite chapter in this book is "Wild Animals Are Like My Family", which makes me feel that Tippi treats animals as a family, because she has no relatives in Africa, so she is just like wild animals. Become her friend, she hopes to do something to protect nature, her power is meager, so she turns to God, she wants to let wild animal friends have a safe and beautiful nature, and live happily in Africa . I feel that Tippi loves animals, Africa, and nature. I also hope that hunters will stop killing animal friends. Animals and humans live on the earth. We are a family. If animals become extinct, people will soon become extinct. , Then the earth is barren.

  Let us love nature together and take care of the earth together!

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