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时间:2023-01-16 16:15:04 来源:网友投稿

初一英语模拟试题  在社会的各个领域,我们经常跟试题打交道,借助试题可以更好地对被考核者的知识才能进行考察测验。什么类型的试题才能有效帮助到我们呢?下面是小编为大家整理的`初一英语模拟试题,仅供参考下面是小编为大家整理的2023年初一英语模拟试题,供大家参考。






  1、A、 Com*rs. B、Dogs C、 Red

  2、 A、 Yes, I would. B、I’d love to C、 I’d like.

  3、 A、 She likes fruit. B、She is tall and helpful. C、 She is a nurse.

  4、A、 My brother’s B、Me. C、 Mine.

  5、 A、 Sometimes. I got up late and was late for work

  B、More than five hours a week.

  C、 I went to work every day.

  6、 A、 Her birthday. B、200 yuan C、 I’ve no idea.



  7、 What will Jack do if it is fine this Sunday?

  A、 He will go fishing B、He will play basketball C、 We don’t know

  8、 Where did the woman live before?

  A、 In Shanghai. B、In Paris. C、 In London.

  9、What did Bill do last night?

  A、 He finished his homework. B、He washed his clothes. C、 He watched TV.

  10 How long does the film last?

  A、 For seventy minutes. B、For eighty minutes. C、 For an hour.

  11、Where are they talking?

  A、 A little dog B、At a pet shop. C、 In an office.

  12、 When did the man feed the fantail goldfish?

  A、 At 7、00 B、At 7、20 C、 At 6、40

  13、 What does the woman want to buy?

  A、 some books B、clothes C、 some food

  14、What’s Suzy’s favourite subject?

  A、 Maths B、English C、 History


  1、— day it is! —Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

  A、 What a lovely B、How sunny C、 What a terrible D. How terrible

  2、 — you late for school yesterday? —Yes, I .

  A、 Did, did B、Was, was C、 Were, was D. Did, was

  3、 Simon reading. He reads books even while he has meals.

  A、 is like B、is crazy about C、 is fond D. dislikes

  4、Eddie doesn’t like waking up early. He barks who wakes before 11 o’clock.

  A、 to someone, up him B、at someone, him up

  C、 to anyone, up him D. at anyone, him up

  5、 —It’s very hot in the room! —Why not keep the door .

  A、 close B、closed C、 open D. opened

  6、 —Can you anything strange? —It like a small mouse.

  A、 listen, sounds B、hear, listens C、 hear, sounds D. sound, hears

  7、 Lucy, what two days ago?

  A、 you happen B、you happened C、 did you happen D. happened to you

  8、 The parents were to the policeman because he helped them find their child.

  A、 helpful B、unhappy C、 grateful D. rude

  9、the teacher’s help, I can’t work it out so easily.

  A、 With B、Without C、 On D. No

  10 —Can you join us this afternoon?

  —Sorry, I can’t. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.

  A、 can B、may C、 would D. have to

  11、There are trees in that school. They need to plant more.

  A .few B、a lot of C .a few of D .a little

  12、 We stopped , but heard nothing from the room.

  A、 to listening to B、to listen to C .listening D .to listen

  13、 I worked hard at English. , I still find it too difficult for me.

  A、 So B、And C、 However D. Because

  14、If you don’t do your best, the will be bad!

  A、 news B、ideas C、 classes D. results

  15、 When you leave your classroom, you shouldn’t the lights .

  A、 leave, off B、turn, on C、 turn, off D. leave, on

  16、 You should try your best to remember in the class.

  A、 nothing useful B、useful something C、 useful everything D. everything useful

  17、 Everyone thinks that Simon should get award his hard work.

  A、 a, of B、an, for C、 /, for D. an, with

  18、 He get into house last night because he his key.

  A、 can’t, left B、could, forgot C、 couldn’t, lost D. can, lose

  19、I saw a snake in the grass.

  A、 sleep B、to sleep C、 slept D. sleeping

  20 Please be matches to keep yourself safe.

  A、 carefully with B、care of C、 careful with D. careless of

  21、Each of the students an English book in our class.

  A、 has B、have C、 there is D. there are


  1、He (重)about four kilograms when he was born.

  2、 Every year (千)of foreign visitors come to Suzhou.

  3、 He is very young, so he can’t look after (自己).

  4、Chen Dan is a clever young boy. He can learn things (快).

  5、 Do you know that he is fond of (收集)stamps?

  6、 There are lots of (老鼠)in the old man’s house.

  7、 Sandy’s sister (刷)her cat’s fur once a day.

  8、He wants to be a (科学家)when he grows up.

  9、I wanted to see the rainbow after the rain. But it didn’t (出现).

  10 When I woke up, I heard somebody (敲)on my door.

  11、The students of Class 8 are planning (visit) Guilin this summer.

  12、 I look forward to (own) a com*r.

  13、 Julie (feed) her pet last night? Yes.

  14、Shall we go (row)tomorrow? A good idea.

  15、 Mr. Wang (find) a job in a big city two years ago.








  学生会要表彰一批优秀学生,Andy想推荐他的同学Peter竞争最乐于助人奖(Most Helpful Student Award)。请以Andy的名义给学生会*写一封推荐信。词数约80,不包括已给出的开头和结尾。




  3、电脑用得好,为帮扶俱乐部(the Helping Hands Club)从网上获取资料


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