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时间:2023-01-27 18:45:03 来源:网友投稿

homepage的中文是什么意思1  名词:主页  homepage网络解释  1.首页:大的网站可能有数百张网页,而简单的网站甚至只有一张网页,而连上该网站后浏览器所显示出的第一张网页,又称作是该下面是小编为大家整理的home,page中文是什么意思,菁选2篇(全文完整),供大家参考。


home page的中文是什么意思1


  home page 网络解释

  1. 首页:大的网站可能有数百张网页,而简单的网站甚至 只有一张网页,而连上该网站后浏览器所显示出的第一张网页,又称作是该网站的 首页(Home Page),藉由该首页浏览者可以选按超链结(Hyper Link)选项,

  2. 网页:负责人: 陈美瑜 企业形象cis、 广告策略、 企划执行、 虚拟网站空间出租 、网页(home page)设计、 *面设计(商标、名片、dm型录、海报、吊牌、包装)、印刷制作.



  1. the opening page of a web site

  Synonym: homepage

home page的中文是什么意思2

  1. He also asked Baidu to post an apology on its home page for seven consecutive days.

  2. Google departs from its customarily spartan home page and peppers its Korean site with colorful, animated icons.

  3. King mystery novel might find a book by her the next time they visit Amazon"s home page.

  4. " We all have our home page because we have a concept of a home page, " Campbell said.

  5. A customer service staff member said hackers had not attacked and blamed the black home page on a system error.

  6. Its home page displayed a message from Wang thanking supporters and lashing out at " garbage " whom he accused of attacking him.

  7. A new service for the media is a key feature of the new home page.

  8. Each time a visitor lands on the home page, different music plays from a collection that can be downloaded from the site.

  9. Search results could take a user directly to a page for a pirated download, rather than to the website"s home page.

  10. This model allows the seller to control whether the infringing products will be shown at its home page.

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