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时间:2023-02-11 13:45:07 来源:网友投稿

情景对话英语口语材料1  约朋友看球赛  A:Hello.Doyouliketowatchfootballgametomorrowafternoon?  B:Thatisawnderfulidea.下面是小编为大家整理的2023年情景对话英语口语材料,供大家参考。




  A:Hello .Do you like to watch football game tomorrow afternoon?

  B:That is a wnderful idea.But I have to help my mother to buy some food.I am afraid it might cost me quite a long time.

  A:well.I think I can give you a hand if you want.in that case,you can come with me.

  B:wow,that is very kind of you.by the way ,when will the game begin?

  A:2 pm.I will pick you up at 1:30

  B:okey.see you tomorrow.


  Bill: Hello, Parker. How’s everything?

  Parker :Can’t complain. And you?

  Bill: Business is booming. I understand you want to meet up with me next week. How’s your schedule looking?

  Parker: Let me see. I can come out and see you first thing Wednesday.

  Bill: Great.

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