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时间:2023-02-17 20:55:07 来源:网友投稿

清西陵英语导游词1  TheWesternTombofQingDynastyisoneofthetwomausoleumsoftheemperorsofQingDynasty.Itislocated下面是小编为大家整理的清西陵英语导游词,菁选3篇(范文推荐),供大家参考。



  The Western Tomb of Qing Dynasty is one of the two mausoleums of the emperors of Qing Dynasty. It is located at the foot of Yongning mountain, 15 kilometers west of Yi County, Hebei Province, and more than 120 kilometers away from Beijing. The perimeter is about 100 kilometers, covering an area of more than 800 square kilometers. It is surrounded by the emerald Yongning mountain in the north and the meandering Yishui River in the south, with towering ancient trees and magnificent scenery.

  Since the establishment of the mausoleum, the Qing Dynasty has planted tens of thousands of pine trees at the foot of Yongning mountain, on the Bank of Yishui River, inside and outside the mausoleum. Now there are 15000 ancient pines, more than 200000 young pines and cypresses. The mausoleum area is lush with pines and cypresses and beautiful mountains and waters. The 14 mausoleums are hidden in the pine forest, just like a gorgeous landscape painting.

  Empress Xiaosheng"s Taidong mausoleum is located in the West Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty in Yi County, Hebei Province, and in dongzhengyu, about 1 km northeast of Emperor Yongzheng"s Tailing mausoleum. Taidong mausoleum is the largest of the three empresses Mausoleums in the West Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty. In September of the first year of Emperor Qianlong"s reign (1736), Prince Heng Hongmin, the Minister of internal affairs and the Minister of household affairs Haiwang, asked Emperor Qianlong whether to reserve the throne for the Empress Dowager after Emperor Yongzheng was buried in the underground palace of the tailing mausoleum. The Empress Dowager issued a decree: "after emperor shizongxian"s worship of the underground palace, he was always quiet. If the action is to be resumed in the future, the premier will feel uneasy with the righteousness of superiority and inferiority. Besides, the constitution of Zhaoxi mausoleum and Xiaodong Mausoleum of our Dynasty can be complied with, and there is no need to reserve a division in the underground palace of tailing mausoleum. " In accordance with the Empress Dowager"s decree, Emperor Qianlong built the Taidong mausoleum for the Empress Dowager in the second year of Qianlong (1737) and completed it in the eighth year of Qianlong (1743). The main buildings from south to north are: a three hole arch bridge, east-west xiamapai, five East-West houses, three East-West check-in houses, and five long"en gate. There are five East-West stoves, five East-West halls and five double eaves halls. There are three mausoleum gates, shiwugong, Fangcheng, minglou, Baocheng and Baoding. Below the top is the underground palace. On the left side of the mausoleum is the kitchen. There is a well Pavilion outside the reservoir.


  Located at the foot of Yongning mountain, 15 kilometers west of Yi County, Hebei Province, and 120 kilometers southwest of Beijing, the Western Tomb of the Qing Dynasty is one of the mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty emperors. It is opposite to the eastern Mausoleum of Zunhua County, Hebei Province, and is called the Western mausoleum. There are 80 people buried here, including Yongzheng, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Guangxu emperors, and their empresses, princesses, princesses and elder brothers. There are 14 Mausoleums in total, as well as the auxiliary buildings of Xinggong and Yongfu temple. It is a typical ancient architectural complex of Qing Dynasty with beautiful scenery, elegant environment, large scale and complete system.

  There are a large-scale and complete system of ancient buildings in the West Mausoleum of Qing Dynasty, which is a scenic spot with elegant environment. In the mausoleum area with a radius of 200 Li and an area of 800 square kilometers, there is the largest artificial ancient pine forest in North China. Since the establishment of the mausoleum, the Qing Dynasty has planted tens of thousands of pine trees at the foot of Yongning mountain, on the Bank of Yishui River, inside and outside the mausoleum. Now there are 15000 ancient pines, more than 200000 young pines and cypresses. The mausoleum area is lush with pines and cypresses and beautiful mountains and waters. The 14 mausoleums are hidden in the pine forest, just like a gorgeous landscape painting.

  In the mausoleum area, there are more than 1000 palaces and more than 100 ancient buildings and sculptures. Each mausoleum strictly follows the imperial mausoleum building system of the Qing Dynasty. The mausoleum of the emperor, the mausoleum of the queen and the mausoleum of the prince are covered with yellow glazed tiles, while the mausoleum of the imperial concubine, the princess and the elder brother are covered with green glazed tiles. These different architectural forms show different landscapes and styles.


  Among the Western tombs of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yongzheng"s Tai mausoleum is the earliest and the largest, which can be called the first mausoleum. This is a group of ancient buildings left from the flourishing period of the Qing Dynasty. Its site selection, planning and layout reflect the prosperity of the country and the stability of the political situation at that time. It is also very exquisite in building materials, engineering technology and traditional crafts.

  Contemporary architects say that tailing is a typical geomantic model. Standing on the Wukong bridge in front of dahongmen and looking around, you can see the rolling Yongning mountain in the north, which is like a barrier. Yongning mountain is the remaining vein of Taihang Mountain, which belongs to the same vein system with Changrui mountain of Dongling. This mountain comes from Shanxi, such as the dragon lying across the central plains; the East and West Huagai mountains on both sides of dahongmen are the natural gateway; the Jiulong and Jiufeng mountains are the low mountains protecting the left and right; the dignified Yuanbao mountain in the south is the Chaoshan mountain of tailing; In the middle of the vast plain is located in the magnificent, scattered buildings. The Yishui river flows under the Wukong bridge, forming a pattern of mountains reflecting water and water supporting mountains. The cosmology of "the mausoleum system is commensurate with the mountains and rivers, and the unity of heaven and man" is fully reflected here. At the same time, it shows the superb art of the ancient architects. As Mr. Simmond, the authority of American landscape architecture, said, "the Egyptians go all the way to the end on an unchangeable demand road predetermined by themselves. When the Chinese wander alone in their world, they have a friendly nature to guide them to visit heaven and ancestral graves. So there is no place where scenery can really become an architectural art material. "

  The architectural layout of the mausoleum is also very elegant, which is completely in accordance with the layout of the palace where the emperor lived, and according to the needs of etiquette. With Shinto as the central axis running through the north and south, the main buildings are arranged on the central axis, all of which face south; the underground palace is located at the end of the central axis, with Dangyang in the middle, and the rest of the buildings are arranged along the central axis. These buildings are made up and combined with accurate scale, appropriate volume, colorful colors and flexible and ingenious methods, which makes the memorial and ritual theme of the mausoleum unfold and deepen in an orderly way.

  Stone archway is one of the most distinctive buildings in the mausoleum of tailing. There are three archways in the mausoleum of tailing, which are unique in both quantity and arrangement. One plane faces the south, two East and West, and forms a spacious courtyard with the dahongmen in the north. Each archway is 12.75 meters high and 31.85 meters wide, with five rooms, six columns and eleven floors. All of them are made of huge blue and white stones. Each part is also carved with rich patterns. The layout of the picture is reasonable, the shape is vivid, the carving is exquisite, exquisite and full of vitality. This is still an isolated work in the mausoleum of the emperors of the past dynasties in China. It has become one of the most valuable buildings listed in the world cultural heritage.

  The whole mausoleum area pays attention to the treatment of the door, which can be used not only for access, but also to cut off the space interface. Dahongmen is the main entrance to the mausoleum. It has a single eaves and a veranda roof. It looks simple, dignified, solid and steady. It looks like a dragon reclining in front of the mausoleum. There are 42 Li Fengshui walls on both sides, which extend meandering and cover the mausoleum area, showing the solemn style of dahongmen.

  It is a place for emperors and concubines to change their clothes when they come to visit the mausoleum and worship their ancestors. It is built along the Fu Zuo Hall of the Ming Dynasty. There is a clean room in the hall, which is similar to the toilet now. There is an embroidered toilet in it. Now, for the convenience of tourists, there is a flushing toilet beside the clean room.

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