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时间:2023-02-27 17:15:04 来源:网友投稿

公共英语三级作文试题1  Directions:  YoushouldwriteyourresponsestobothPartAandPartBofthissectiononyourANSWERSH下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度公共英语三级作文试题3篇,供大家参考。




  You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on your ANSWER SHEET. Part A56.

  You have just had a terrible trip to a foreign country. Post a message to an English online forum:

  1) telling other travelers some of your bad experiences;

  2) giving them some suggestions about taking a trip.

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your message.

  Use "Wang Lin" instead.


  Hello, everyone. I just came back from a seven-day trip to Paris. Al- though it is a beautiful city, the bad experiences happened there made me feel unhappy and depressed. During the first three days, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery in Paris. However, on the fourth day, when we were taking the subway, a black man suddenly rushed up to the girl sitting next to me, taking her phone and running away in the blink of an eye. It was said that Paris had bad public security. So, if you plan to visit Paris. Be aware of taking care of your valuables. And you"d better come there with your family or friends.

  Wang Lin




  rush up to 冲到跟前

  run away 跑走,跑开

  in the blink of all eye 眨眼间

  It is/was said that 据说

  Plan to do 计划做某事

  be aware of 意识到,知道

  had better d0最好做某时候


  你从美国的在线(网上)书店买了一本书,你发现了这本书的一些问题,写一封邮件给这个在线(网上)书店来反映这个问题。邮件内容:1.你什么时候买的书;2.你发现这本书有什么问题;3.你希望怎么解决问题。要求:字数100个单词,落款姓名写Wang Lin。






  Dear Customer Service:

  My name is Wang Lin, and I would like to return a book which i bought from American Online.

  The time I ordered on the website was on March 9th, and I received the book after 3 days. I am okay with the shipping time, however, the quality of the book is not well accepted. First of all, the book looks so old and dirty. Second of all, it is missing papers. And thirdly, its not even the book i ordered.

  In the end, I would like to return the book and get my money back, i would never do business with you if you continue this attitude.

  Thank you!

  Wang Lin

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