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时间:2023-02-28 19:35:06 来源:网友投稿

初一简单英语笑话故事1  Apigandachickenwerewalkingbyachurchwhereagala(欢庆的)charityeventwastakingplace.  Getting下面是小编为大家整理的2023年初一简单英语笑话故事3篇,供大家参考。



  A pig and a chicken were walking by a church where a gala(欢庆的) charity event was taking place.

  Getting caught up in the spirit, the pig suggested to the chicken that they each make a contribution.

  "Great idea!" the chicken cried."Let"s offer hem ham and eggs?"

  "Not so fast," said the pig testily. "For you, that"s a contribution. For me, it"s a total commitment."






  Peter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: 1, You and She. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teachersaid," I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to a girl) She, She is your classmate; You, You are my student.

  When Peter went home, his father asked him what he had learned at school. Peter said at once, " I, I am your teacher; (then pointing to his mother) She, She is your classmate; You, You are my student His father got angry and said, "I, I am your father; (then pointing to his wife) She, She is your mother; You, You are my son.

  The next morning at school, the teacher asked Peter if he had learned the three words byheart. "Yes," he said proudly, "I, I am your father; (then pointing to a girl) She, She is your mother; You, You are my son."


  The English author,Richard Savage,was once living inLondon in great poverty.In order to earn a little money he hadwritten the story of his life,but not many copies of the bookhad been sold in the shops,and Savage was living from hand tomouth.As a result of his lack of food he became very ill,butafter a time,owing to the skill of the doctor who had lookedafter him,he got well again.After a week or two the doctorsent a bill to Savage for his visits, but poor Savage hadn"t anymoney and couldn"t pay it.The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. Afterseveral weeks he sent it to him again asking for his money.Inthe end he came to Savage"s house and asked him for payment,saying to Savage,“You know you owe your life to me and Iexpected some gratitude from you.”

  “I agree,” said Savage,“that I owe my life to you, and toprove to you that I am not ungrateful for your work I will givemy life to you.”With these words he handed to him two volumes entitled,The life of Richard Savage.




推荐访问:英语 简单 笑话 初一简单英语笑话故事3篇 初一简单英语笑话故事1 初一简单英语笑话故事10篇 初一英语搞笑小故事 英语故事初一搞笑
