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时间:2023-03-06 14:45:05 来源:网友投稿



  Chinese writer MO Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature 文学. He is the first Chinese_24__ has won the prize.
  Mo Yan was born into a family in Shandong __25__ 1955. He left school at the age of twelve, first on a farm and_ 26__ in a factory. In 1976 he __27__ the PLA and during this time he began to study __28__. His first story came out in 1981. He was written many famous books about his childhood and his hometown. Many of his books have translated into English, French and many other ___29__.
  Mo Yan’s winning of the Nobel Prize is bringing more confidence 自信 to the nation’s young __30___.
  24. A. which B. who C. what
  25. A. on B. in C.at
  26. A. later B. last C. lately
  27. A. join B. joins C. joined
  28. A. drawing B. farming C. writing
  29. A. languages B. subjects C. lessons
  30. A. speakers B. writers C. listeners

推荐访问:英语 中考 专项 中考英语完形填空专项训练及答案:MO Yan 2023中考英语完型填空 英语中考完形填空题及答案 初中英语中考完形填空试题
