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时间:2023-03-12 19:50:06 来源:网友投稿




合同圈合同范文频道为大家整理了《Labur ntrat劳动合同英文版》,供大家学习参考。



Legal Representative:







his ntrat is signed n a utuality vluntary basis by and between the fllwing E*er and E*ee in ardane with the Labur Law f Peple’s Republi f \"

f the ntrat:

he ter f this ntrat is fr ne year and shall ene n_____,_____, and shall ntinue until _____,_____,unless earlier terinated pursuant t this he E*ee shall underg a prbatinary perid f three


he E*er agrees t e* (nae)as ________(jb title) in ________Departent, lated in________(ffie latin and ity).

Reuneratin f Labur

salary f the E*ee shall benthly paid by the E*er in ardane with appliable laws and regulatins f It shall be paid by legal tender and nt less than the standard iniu salary in

he salary f the E*ee is RB$______ per nth in the prbatinary perid and RB$ _____ after the prbatinary

If the delay r default f salary takes plae,the E*er shall pay the eni pensatin exept the salary itself in ardane with the relevant laws and

urs & Rest & Vatin

nral wrking hurs f the E*ee shall be eight hurs eah day, exluding eals and rest fr an average f five days per week, fr an average f frty hurs per

E*ee is entitled t all legal hlidays and ther paid leaves f absene in ardane with the laws and regulatins f the PR and the pany ’s wrk

he E*er ay extend wrking hurs due t the requireents f its prdutin r business after nsultatin with the trade unin and the E*ee ,but the extended wrking hur fr a day shall generally nt exeed ne hur; If suh extensin is alled fr due t speial reasns, the extended hurs shall nt exeed three hurs a , the ttal extensin in a nth shall nt exeed thirty-six

Seurity & Welfare

E*er will pay fr all andatry sial seurity prgras suh pensin insurane, une*ent insurane, edial insurane f the E*ee arding t the relevant gvernent and ity

the perid f the ntrat, the E*ee’s welfare shall be ipleented ardane with the laws?and relevant regulatins f

Prtetin & Wrking nditins

E*er shuld prvide the E*ee with upatinal safety and health nditins nfring t the prvisins f the State and neessary artiles f labr prtetin t guarantee the safety and health during the wrking

E*er shuld prvide the E*ee with safety eduatin and tehnique training; he E*ee t be engaged in speialized peratins shuld reeive speialized training and aquire qualifiatins fr suh speial

he E*ee shuld stritly abide by the rules f safe peratin in the press f their


E*er ay draft bylaws and labur disiplines f the pany, Arding t whih, the E*er shall have the right t give rewards r take disiplinary atins t the E*ee; E*ee shall * with the anageent diretins f the E*er and bey the bylaws and labur disiplines f the

E*ee shall undertake the bligatin t keep and nt t dislse the trade seret fr the E*er during the perid f this ntrat; his bligatin f nfidentiality shall survive the terinatin f this ntrat fr a perid f tw (2)

, difiatin, Renew and Disharge f the ntrat

he relevant lauses f the ntrat ay be dified by the parties:

speifi lause is required t be dified by the parties thrugh


t the fre ajeure, the ntrat an nt be exeuted;

relevant laws and regulatins have been dified r ablished by the tie f signing the

ntrat ay be autatially terinated:

i) his ntrat is nt renewed at the expiratin f this ntrat;

ii) he E*er is legally annuned t be bankrupty, disissed, r aneled;

iii)he death f the E*ee urs;

iv) he fre ajeure takes plae;

v)he nditins f terinatin agreed in the ntrat by the parties

ntrat ay be renewed at the expiratin thrugh nsultatin by the parties with the fulfillent f the predure within 15 days t the expiratin;

he ntrat ay be disharged thrugh nsultatin by the parties;

ntrat ay be disharged by the E*er with iediate effet and the E*ee will nt be pensated:

E*ee des nt eet the jb requireents during the prbatinaryperid;

E*ee seriusly vilates disiplines r bylaws f the E*er;

E*ee seriusly neglets his duty, engages in alpratie fr selfish ends and brings signifiant lss t the E*er;

E*ee is being punished by physial labur fr its isfeasane

E*ee is being harged with riinal ffenes:

ntrat ay be terinated by the E*er by giving ntie in written fr 3(thirty) days in advane:

E*ee fails ill r is injured t (ther than due t wrk) and after pletin f edial treatent, is nt able t perfr his previus funtin r any ther funtin the E*er assigns t hi;

E*ee des nt shw satisfatry perfrane and after training and adjusting easures is still nt able t perfr satisfatrily;

irustanes have aterially hanged fr the date this ntrat was signed t the extent that it is ipssible t exeute the ntrat prvided, hwever,that the parties annt reah an agreeent t aend the ntrat t reflet the hanged

E*er is being nslidated in the legal nslidatin perid n the brink f bankrupty r the situatin f business is seriusly in truble, under suh nditin, it is required t redue the (in legal predure)

E*ee shall nt be disissed :

he ntrat has neither expired nr nfred t ,,,;

E*ee is ill with upatinal disease r injured due t wrk and has been authentiated fully r partly disabled by the Labur Authentiatin issin in Badi unty,

he E*ee is ill r injured (ther than due t wrk) and is within the perid f edial leave prvided fr by appliable PR law and regulatins and pany pliy;

E*ee is wan wh is pregnant, n aternity leave, r nursing a baby under ne year f age; r

appliable PR laws and regulatins therwise prhibit the terinatin f this

ntrat ay be diharged by the E*ee by giving ntie in written fr 3(thirty) days in wever, the E*ee ay infr the E*er t disharge the ntrat at rand under the fllwing asins:

E*ee is still in the prbatinary perid;

E*er fre the E*ee t wrk by vilene, duress r illegal restritin t physial freed;

he E*er des nt pay the reuneratin f the E*ee ardane with the relevant lause in the ntrat;

E*er vilates the relevant regulatins f State r ianjin fr its terrible safe and health nditin, whih is harful t the E*ee’s

ntrat an nt be terinated by the E*ee befre the expiratin if nt nfring t , ,

he E*er shall pay the eni pensatin t the E*er if the ntrat is terinated nfring t ,, Additinal fee fr edial allwane shuld be paid t the E*ee if the ntrat is terinated nfring t


Due t either party’s fault, if breahing the ntrat, that party shall undertake the breah liability arding t the extent t the perfrane f the ntrat; if the parties bth breah the ntrat,they shall undertake its separate liability arding t the nrete

Due t either party’s fault, if breahing the ntrat t daage the ther he daage shuld be pensated by the faulty party ardane with the relevant laws and regulatins f

t the fre ajeure, ausing the nn-perfrane r the daages t either party, the ther party ay nt undertake the breah liability;

E*ee wants t resign and has reeived training prvided by the E*er, the E*ee shall pensate fr the training he ethd f pensatin shuld be fixed arding t the relevant pany regulatins as fllws:

he E*ee shall pensate RB_______ within___year(s) in the pany if the ntrat is terinated by the E*ee at his ause;

he E*ee shall pensate RB_______ within___year(s) in the pany if the ntrat is terinated by the E*ee at his ause;

he E*ee shall pensate RB_______ within___year(s) in the pany if the ntrat is terinated by the E*ee at his ause;


Where a labr dis* between the parties takes plae during the perfrane f this ntrat, the parties nerned ay seek fr a settleent thrugh nsultatin; r either party ay ap* t the labr dis* ediatin i* f their unit fr ediatin; if the ediatin fails and ne f the parties requests fr arbitratin, that party ay ap* t the labr dis* arbitratin i* fr Either party ay als diretly ap* t the labr dis* arbitratin i* fr arbitratin within 6 days starting fr the date f the urrene f a labr If ne f the parties is nt satisfied with the adjudiatin f arbitratin, the party ay bring the ase t a peple’s urt within 15 days f the date f reeiving the ruling f arbitratin

verifiatin f this ntrat shall be ade in Badi Labur Bureau, ianjin within 3 days after being signed by the

E*er: (ffiial stap)???????????E*ee:

Representative :


Date: uly ,2xx

It’s verified herein that the ntrat nfrs t the relevant laws and regulatins thrugh exainatin and



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