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时间:2023-03-12 19:55:03 来源:网友投稿

植树节通知英语作文1  Notice  AllthestudentsaregoingtoplanttreesonthebankofNanwanLakefrom8to10amtomorrow.Ever下面是小编为大家整理的植树节通知英语作文,菁选2篇,供大家参考。




  All the students are going to plant trees on the bank of Nanwan Lake from 8 to 10 am tomorrow. Everyone should wear boots and work clothes,and don"t forget to bring spade、bucket and saplings.After that, you will be asked to write your feeling.



  In order to celebrate the 3.12 Treeplanting Day and protect environment, our school appeals for all the teachers and students to take part in the treeplanting activity.

  Please gather in group of class at the school gate tomorrow morning, then walk to the hill east of our school with the guidance of each headteacher.

  It"s suggested to wear sports shoes and take iron spades and water breaker with you. Pay attention to safety during the planting.

推荐访问:植树节 作文 英语 植树节通知英语作文 菁选2篇 植树节通知英语作文1 植树节通知英语作文 关于植树的通知英语作文 英语植树节的作文
